Source Code

Nerf singed

Definition: When singed needs a nerf so bad that hashinshin goes on a 90 second mental breakdown about it, saying nerfed singed over 50 times.

hashinshin: nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed he has the highest winrate and pickrate in top.
nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed fling is garbage and completely stops lane interraction.
nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed its been like this the entire season since they removed fervor of battle. nerf singed nerf singed nerf singed.

by Kostas011969 May 28, 2019

Singe Pudding

The term used in the Bahamas to describe the build of dirt on the vagina. It often has a pungent smell.

Ew She smell like singe pudding

by Meggy eggy G August 7, 2020

mood sings

When you’re listening to music, in a good mood, then that one song comes on and suddenly, you’re in your feelings. Usually a song from Naruto or XXX (rip.)

“Last night the mood sings hit me hard, Silhouette came on shuffle.”

by Z-money420 June 27, 2019


The universal word for all situations in life. It can be used to express happiness, or being aggressive. It can be used as a verb, noun, adjective, etc. However, mostly related to banging someone or something. People that use this term are usually sex gods, supreme douchebags, or hermaphrodites with a sense of humor. If you use this word, fuck yeah you know you're one crazy motherfucker.

"Hey man, how did it go last night with that hot chick?"
"Bro, I was ding-singing. I ding-singed her so hard we put a hole through the wall."

"Hey son, how was your testicle examination?"
"Ding-sing dad"
"Wow! That's great son! Im very ding-sing'd for you"

"Im gonna ding-sing the living shit out of you."

by hinglingmaster August 2, 2014

3👍 1👎

simple sing

generally simple minded singfai
pretty dumb.

simple sing's bouncy hair, failing to see a wrapper on his person

by vinny December 4, 2003

Benny Sings

The very best of this decade. The new Michael Franks. A sublime guy with pure talent to share.

I wish I could play like Benny Sings

by Zanuko December 29, 2021

Throat Singing

use ur qi

A professional Mongolian man knows how to do throat singing

by Henlo Guy October 15, 2020