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skeeze bucket

A cum dumpster. A individual who enjoys and is willing to swallow massive amounts of cum.

Damn Joe! that trick is a skeeze bucket

by livingdead99 August 5, 2010

fat skeeze

straight fat skeeze, who eats all your foods and leaves with empty wrappers and a full sink, i have no turkeys left after the fat skeeze was here, all i wanted was a sandwich, but the skeeze ate the loaf of bread.

paul: skeeze your fat shutup
fat skeeze: give me your burgers
paul: right your not tight
fat skeeze: can i have some gravy?
paul: can i have a handy?
paul: show me your flops
fat skeeze: give me some deep fried foods.
paul: shutup fat skeeze

by coysesandquayses November 1, 2010


A repellent that keeps all of the skeezy people away. Package comes equipped with a grenade whistle and a pocket sized version to carry to the club, parties, school, etc.

Tyler: I need something to keep these girls away.

Kaylee: Dude, you need Skeez-be-gone spf 32894832.

by twatlikesyourmom April 13, 2011

10👍 1👎

fresh skeeze

A tight, new, fresh haircut.

Damn bro, you got that fresh skeeze.

by Natoli2121 March 16, 2017

nugatory skeeze

a skeeze who is trifling and dirty
see also: a down ass slut

"i heard your sister let chad give her a hot carl. bitch is a nugatory skeeze."

by maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarkus February 23, 2007

skeeze disease

1. Any ailment, sexually-transmitted or otherwise, that one contracts from hooking up with a skeeze.

2. A general classification for any unknown or unidentifiable STD.

1. Dude, i'm dying. I have no idea what's wrong with me.

Um, you probably got skeeze disease from that chick you were making out with at the bar last night.

2. I've got something weird going on down there. I think I may have caught skeeze disease. I'm headed to the free clinic this afternoon to get it checked out.

by ericarnett February 10, 2009

Rip Skeez

Another way to describe getting a hit from a pipe/bong

"Dude lemme get a rip skeez"
"Yeah go for it"

by Killah Liz September 7, 2008