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sexy spite

sexy spite (n) is an arousing feeling coming from a desire to prove someone or some concept wrong.

Q. "How can one fap to a book that rips on birth control and tries to convince the reader that fapping is bad?"
A. "Out of sexy spite, duh!"

by HOLYSPIRIT Ghostbuster March 13, 2009

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Spite Tip

When you are mistreated, given bad service, or get in a fight with a tip-able employee. You aggressively over-tip out of anger to show that you are better than the person serving you and to make them feel like a lower life-form...a complete loser.

"The cab driver got mad when I tried to pay with a credit card, angrily whining and saying "I need my money now and they take a cut when you do that." So I gave him a $20 Spite Tip and called him a poor loser, told him this is why is wife left him and he'll probably die alone"

The waitress was being a bitch all night so I gave her a 50% Spite Tip to make her know I'm better than her and that she is nothing compared to me

by Mike Dexter24 June 16, 2010

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spite fight

A war or feud that's fueled purely from hatred and egotism.

My ex-husband wouldn't end this spite fight between us. It seems he will stop at nothing to cause me misery. He is truly a bastard.

by Ereck Flowers November 21, 2018

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Spite fucking

Fucking your significant other because you know someone else is interested in them.

I engaged in a little spite fucking just to spite John, cos I know he's wants my old lady

by The Lone Wanderer's Bunker October 4, 2021

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Spite Monkey Attack

This is an action that usually takes place on Spite Monkey Sunday, some little prat decides that they can best get their self-aggrandising definition accepted by making multiple submissions. They then decide to try to improve their chances by voting against any other definition that has been submitted, a typical demonstration of the spite monkey mentality. The end result of their self-centred, immature nastiness is to effectively bring Urban Dictionary to a standstill.

What’s happening on Urban Dictionary, nothing’s moving? Must be a spite monkey attack.

by AKACroatalin August 10, 2016

Spite Monkey Sunday

Spite Monkey Sunday is that day of the week when all the brain dead little losers try to get definitions accepted by Urban Dictionary. They try to get a flattering definition accepted, of themselves if they haven't got any friends, or of some female if they think it will help them get into her knickers. Why? Usually because they’re back at school on Monday and are trying to make themselves look good, the poor little winkies. Then the unthinkable happens, they’re definition is rejected because it doesn’t conform to the rules laid down by Urban Dictionary. Oh Calamity! So the silly little wank biscuits throw a hissy fit, go into a session to vote on the inclusion of new words and reject everything without bothering to read it. Then comes Monday and these sad little gleets go back to school and bother the human race somewhat less than they do at weekends.

“Couldn’t get a thing accepted on Urban Dictionary, it was Spite Monkey Sunday.”

by AKACroatalin April 27, 2015

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Spite Monkey Mentality

The sort of mental attitude exhibited by the majority of teenagers worldwide; arrogance, inexperience, and self-absorption coupled with lack of insight, narrow mindedness and a total inability to accept that they could ever be wrong. It is just this sort of chip on the shoulder attitude that causes them to clog up Urban Dictionary with ridiculously silly definitions that stand no hope of ever being accepted, to compete with each other to produce the most sickeningly disgusting sexual perversion, to attempt to boost their, already over-inflated, egos with self-aggrandising descriptions of themselves or to denigrate people they don’t like with descriptions that they don’t have the balls to put their names to, because if they did they would be sued for libel. It’s the sort of mental attitude that, when their submission is rejected, throws all of its toys out of the pram and rejects everyone else’s definitions out of infantile spite.

It is to be hoped that eventually they will grow up and maybe grow a pair although it must be said that many of them never do, retaining even into old age an immature sense of entitlement.

Spite Monkey Mentality is unfortunately prevalent amongst the teens, pre-teens and post teens who have invaded Urban Dictionary.

by AKACroatalin May 12, 2015

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