The deafening almost physical wave of noise made by thousands of tween girls attending a large concert that happens as a boy-band takes the stage.
I almost died from the squee wave as One Direction took the stage.
Any over-enthusiastic literature or preaching by any Christian faction.
Watchtower is both Jesus Squee and Fundie Fanfic.
"Take yer Jesus Squee and ram it, darned Witnesses"
A seemingly random extension over the doors of a building, similar in purpose to an Awning
"Take a look at that Squee Squoo at that Autozone!
The exclamation one makes when having cuteness overload.
That is the cutest thing I have EVER SEEN!!! SQUEE!!!
A wholesome sound made verbally to make your heart happy.
"squee! yes you are!"
A happy, high-pitched sound made from one's oral region.
"I'm going to see my boyfriend tomorrow. SQUEE~"
A squee has multiple variations of meaning. It could either be your gf/wife, main or jus a valid squee(girl) that you know. The meaning much depends on who you are and your situation.
"What's is a squee?".... "That's my squee" "Your my squee" "That's my main squee" "Goaw, that squee cruc" "She deflee OP squee material"