Source Code

counter strike

Counter-strike was created by a man named gooseman who was a big fan of action quake and action quake II and wanted to see it brought to half-life. Even though a very crappy version of Action Half-life was made, CS remained the true succesor. It plays as counter-terrorists vs. terrorists and generally the objectives play as recover the hostages or plant the bomb.

Lately though there has been an overwhelming amount of hackers in the game who destroy it. Allthough when you find a good server it can be a very enjoyable game.

I am gonna go play some Counter strike tonight why dont you bring your PC and well make a lan party out of it

by FragUPlenty September 30, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Strikes and Gutters

Sometimes good, sometimes bad.
Comes from the Big Lebowski movie.

A: "So how are you doing?"
B: "ah you know, strikes and gutters."

by Theov December 22, 2008

66๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

bowl a strike

to take a shit. see bowling a strike.

after i bowl a strike, i feel as light as air, and i know the rest of the day is going to be a-okay.

by Viktor II August 22, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Counter Strike

Counter strike is a First Person Shooter that includes moderate graphics and is on the pc

Guy 1: you wanna play COD?
Guy 2: Naaa i wanna Play Counter Strike

by SUPER_SHORTY!!!!!!!!!!! October 7, 2010

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Copyright Strike

That dreaded thing you want to see on your YouTube channel. Usually, your YouTube channel gets a copyright strike by uploading a video with a copyrighted song or movie in it and YouTube takes that video down.

Dammn! I got a fucking copyright strike!

by Minecraft1238 January 9, 2019

25๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A decent modification using the Half-Life engine, with a bad reputation due to its community. Mainly Consisting of cheaters, people who speak in 80% numbers (elite speak), and on the whole have Zero respect for other players.

This has made many Admins on servers paranoid, and take a "no trial" approach to cheat accusations and llamas and ban on sight. Which is unfair to those who are actually skillfull at the game and/or have done nothing wrong.

New players are usually put down by long-term players and are insulted with phrases like "n00b"

This has led to the belief that the entire CS community consists of teenagers, as no adult could be so immature.

If someone kills you in Counter-Strike they must be cheating...

by supernorn2000 September 9, 2003

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The best Half-Life modification these days. There are several gametypes: Bomb plant/defusion, Hostage rescue and Assassination. There also so-called 'funmaps' and 'funservers' on which you play with e.g. knifes.

1. Servers are usually flooded with 10-year-olds who pretend to be mature untill they talk through their microphone. At that time you will hear a voice from which you can't tell wether the kid is a boy or a girl.

2. Players that are skilled at the game are often called 'n00b' and 'h4x0r' by people who are not skilled at this game. The skilled people are often banned(because of 'hacking') because admins tend to be 10-year-olds and will believe everything their fellow 10-year-olds say.

3. The game contains the AWP weapon. People who are skilled at using this weapon are called 'n00b', 'h4x0r', 'camper', 'AWP fag', 'AWP whore', etc. The people(often 10-year-olds) who call these names are often not skilled at the game.

4. Most of the people who play Counter-Strike talk in the '1337 language'. Most of them can't spell 1 single English word either.

5. If you sit still for about 10 seconds you're a camper.

That is Counter-Strike

1. *kiddy voice through microphone*: I pwn you, nub h4x0r fag!!1!!11!1!!1`one!! I am maturez0r!!1

*Skilled player*: I do not hack. I am skilled at this game and I killed you.
*10-year-old admin*: OMGSES BANZORED! HAXOR!!1

3. *PlayerThatGotKilledByAWP*: OMG! You fucking AWP whore camper nub slut bitch faggot nerd. Get a fucking life you nub.

4. *1337talker*: i r s0 1337, b3c4us3 i r b3 t3h t4lkz0r 1337, i r pwn t3h j00, kthnxz0rs.
*Guy who can't spell*: omg00se wuthc uot fru t3h nmee ar0nud th crnur!!

5. *Stupid spectator(got killed)*: OMG HE'S A FUCKING CAMPER, HE'S BEEN SITTING FOR HOURS(10 seconds) NOW!!!

by Sapphire X December 29, 2005

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