Source Code

lights camera ghostbusters!

On the Universal Studios mug, someone decided it was necessary to put the word GHOSTBUSTERS! after camera instead of Action! And it pisses me off.

Lights, Camera, Ghostbusters! Jaws, King Kong, Nickelodeon Studios, Earthquake, Action

by Cds January 18, 2004

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

We Be Needin Some Ghostbusters

When one smokes a shit load of weed and the room fills up with white whispery smoke giving the illusion of ghosts being in the room; a.e. we be needin some ghostbusters.

Two stoners smoked weed for 6 straight hours. When the entire room had filled with smoke, Billy said "We be needin some ghostbusters."

by Masta of the Flame September 15, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Ghostbuster

When four men, 3 white and 1 black, are pissing on a woman then cross their streams by pissing in her mouth together. When the men finish, the woman must yell out "I ain't afraid of no ghosts".

While watching a movie, my friends and I decided to do the Ghostbuster on my wife. Now I have to clean the carpets.

by Ebttt November 19, 2021

A Ghostbust

A Ghostbust is when you cum in someone on top of a fresh grave.

I'm gonna Ghostbust

by DirtyLindz October 13, 2023


when you make a trans girl cum and nothing comes out but she simultaneously leaves her body as she's shaking with enjoyment

i gave her a really good ghostbuster and she finally met the holy spirit

by darkestofkin January 18, 2024


Someone that blocks who does ghost on them.

Raymond: Hey, nice pic!
Leonard: Hi, thank you! Yours too!
Raymond: Thanks. What's your name?
Leonard: *proceeds to ghost*
Raymond: (Oh my goodness, have I done something wrong?)

(One week later...)
Raymond: Hello?

Leonardo: *Keeps ghosting*
Raymond: (tara-tara-tara, tarataratara ta)
Raymond: *blocks*

(One day later...)

Rachel: Hi Raymond, what're you up to?
Raymond: Oh, I just blocked a guy who was ghosting on me.
Rachel: How come?
Raymond: cuz imma ghostbuster

by Alec Avilo March 18, 2023


Someone that blocks people that don't anwser their messages.

- Hello
- Hey
- What's up?
*no answer despite being online*
(one week later...)
- Why did you block them?
- Because I'm a ghostbuster.

by Alec Avilo March 18, 2023