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Best Ever Ever Friend
a person who you have a special connection with stronger than a bff

beef 1: hey beef
beef 2: beef we're going drinking

by drunk pig April 24, 2020


Beef comes from a cow

Moo moo's give beef

by Jeff Bezo December 9, 2021


To "beef" is a word used extremely much in the ghetto areas in Norway, basically when someone is trashtalking to you they're beefin' - This basically means "To eat beef" that means to eat beef but are used as response to trashtalk.

This word has roots from the Ghetto RomsΓ₯s, a place in Norway.

Boy 1: You look like a fucking twat.
Boy 2: Why are you beefin' (beefe) bro?
Boy 1: Cause you're a twat.
Boy 2: Don't expect me to be gentle to you when you're getting jumped.

by Eyalchu November 28, 2013

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Is that its for every thing really
you can use it in any context
Just use It, It Goes For Every Thing !! =D

A: Stop Beefing !!

B: Holy Beef!!

C: Looking Beefy :P

by Levi !! April 9, 2008

9πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A cause of a dispute or an argument.

Person 1: Wanna join me and my friends for our trip to the mountains?
Person 2: Only if David isn't joining. I've got a major beef with him

by The Chow Man October 21, 2004

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It's whats for dinner

Vegetarian: Ooh, what're you eating?
Carnivore: It's called beef jackass.

by austinD April 17, 2007

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Possibly the manliest sounding word in the dictionary.
Try shouting it, grunting it, mumbling it or demanding it. Beef meat is also amazing so to show your appreciation of the word, beef must be used at least once in every sentence.
Its fun! (manly voices only. girly, high pitched BEEFS! are unacceptable. To shout beef in this manner is deemed as an insult to anything and everything within earshot and thus is punishable by and extremely hard smack across the back of the head. Other more creative methods of punishment are encouraged)

Beef is also an effective word for clearing ones throat!
ie. instead of *cough cough* *grunt grunt* *cough*
try *cough cough* BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF!!!!! *cough cough*
Beef backwards is feeb.

1. Instead of shouting "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAA!!"
try shouting "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF!!!!" as your next war cry!

How to use it in every sentence!
Random 1: Did you go to Miranda's beef party last night?
Random 2: Yeah I heard the party beef food was amazing!
Random 3: Meh it was nothing beefy special.
Random 1: Yeah I suppose your right beef beef. The best part of the party was when the cantelope ate my hat.

by MANBEEF!32 March 26, 2010

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