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former choker

someone who once was a choker but overcame that to win a big game(usually a championship) also it can B a team that went decades without a championship, also called silencer of critics that is a former choker.

Peyton Manning, Chris Leak, The Boston Red Sox(2004), The Chicago White Sox(2005), and John Elway were all chokers but won the big game and are now former chokers

by King-David Granderson February 5, 2007

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Chile Chokers

Underwear such as boxer briefs or Mighty Tighty Whities be 'em Hanes or BVD's or any other underwear that restricts much needed air flow. No man should be crowding his unit like this, it will make it claustrophobic.

Brent was smuggling a fruit basket the size of a tic tac and two bb's in his chile chokers!

Alex needs to relax or he is going to bacon strip the back of his chile chokers.

by Keep it Free August 28, 2009

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Bone Choker

A person that, when giving a hand job, grabs and or squeezes the boner too tightly, usually to the point of pain

Emily is a Bone Choker, so bad that the pain made me go soft.

by Yepyepboio18 October 8, 2021

Sausage Choker

When a guy wraps his penis around your neck and playfull chokes you. It's a super sexual fun addition to your sex life or sleepover. It is more fun when the guy has a long, juicy, fat one.

Guy 1: Dude my boyfriend gave me a sausage choker last night. His was way tooo big for me. I'm not gonna' lie, it actually left a mark on my neck.
Guy 2: I bet mine's bigger.

by Sexual_Llama:D February 19, 2011

Chokers and survivors

Peanur butter and jam

Andrea: What do you have on your bread today?
Suzanne: Chokers and survivors

by Waffleman007 July 24, 2018

choker boy

That hot choker boy from killing stalking.

Me: omg choker boy is so hot ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿง‚๐Ÿด๐Ÿ’€
Friend: who?

by Bunnx.bee May 1, 2021


A bathroom with one or more television for thoughs long days or weeks on the can.

Going into the choker to watch the Game are we.

by James Richard Milligan June 18, 2008

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