Someone who controls the child diddlers
Relax, Go call on the Diddler Shepard to get the pedophiles out of the way
Point of no return, where someone's sexual fetishes or preferences become unethical, either by violating the consent of an adult or by violating someone who can not give informed consent.
They had gotten to a point of no return, to cross the diddler's line would mean to violate every ethical norm one could think of.
Someone who diddles cock and balls
Don’t be a diddler like Coersy
one who touches his ding dong or in fancier terms a penis
"that diddler over there is next to my girlfriend"
A wrong-un.
Someone who's done something bad, a twat or someone who has stuck their dick in a hand dryer
'That Tek Knight is a real diddler'
A form of touching you really don’t want
I am a true diddler “hunter” at heart
Someone who aggressively touches young children without their permission.
Commonly associated with Catholic Priests
Reece is a massive Diddler... BEWARE!