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Muhlenberg School District

A school where girls get body shamed and boys are fuck boys, There is no respect in that school whatsoever, Oh and also white girls act black. Everyone who goes there swears there in a gang

โ€œDid you hear about the fight after school at Muhlenberg School Districtโ€

by TexasCats August 21, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

green light district

a place free from sexual exploitation and human trafficking. It is known for liberating, collaborative, and restorative practices.

"Wow a green light district would be a great place to raise children"
"Yeah, so safe and wholesome"

by lyss21 March 24, 2021

red light district

A run-down part of a town or city that is frequented by thugs and hoodlums. Best known for being the centre of the prostitution industry.

I saw yo mama in the red light district.

by Gumba Gumba February 23, 2004

153๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yough School District

A low profited school, full of weed smoking hicks, that spends all their money on sports teams who can't play.

Brandon - Whats the score for the Yough School District football game last night?

Eddie - The game or the massacre?

Brandon - What?

Eddie - 3-63

by Emmlayy2010 February 10, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

red light district

the area of a town or city where prostitution takes place

Stay away from the red light district if you don't want to get anything nasty.

by The Return of Light Joker January 24, 2010

59๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Concord school district

Concord School District, the extremely corrupt school district, that allows pedoโ€™s as teachers, vice principals with no credentials, super intendants that know about this shit and lunch ladyโ€™s that hold parties for underage kids and provide drugs and alcohol! We suck, honestly someone do something about it

Concord school district sucks ass

by csdsuxksass October 9, 2019

Marshwood School District

A pulsating tumor on the way of living in Southern Maine, Marshwood School District consists of three towns; Rollinsford NH, (Rich Dickheads) Eliot, ME (A group of hillbilly farmers) and South Berwick. (A festering pit of lawyers and whores)

Person 1: Boy, I sure love learning at Marshwood School District.

Person 2: You coming to that Juul party this weekend?

Person 1: You bet!

by Ponyboy667 September 9, 2018