Source Code


a clickable button on anything in facebook.

John Smith:
Omg I'm so exited about my progress on World Of Warcraft.
Stupid Friend:

by Matruyo February 23, 2011

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A common mispelling of 'liek'.

A: Like, this is cool.
B: You mean liek?

by liek_like February 5, 2010

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like that

West Coast expression - That's the way it is.

Im going and its like that.

by TheRealMARTyPARTy July 18, 2008

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A word that used to mean "love" or "enjoying" but now is just the least useful word ever.(CAUTION: May be SUPER annoying or be used 14 times in one sentance! BEWARE!!!)

"Like OMG! She really like, did that? I sooooo told her not to like do it!! She is soooo like efing retarded now like... OMG!-- Quote from my best friend

by someone who is not interesting October 18, 2006

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Around the DC area, it's used to end a sentence or comment.

say your comment or question and then add "like" in the end of it.

That nigga is ugly like...

Why he got on so many colors like...?

Yo son, you actin gay like...

by nay January 10, 2005

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A word used subconsciously by most teenagers, to denote that what they are about to say is probably inaccurate, exaggerated, or estimated; it was thought up on the spot, and while it should be considered, it shouldn't be taken entirely at face value. The word becomes embedded in your vocabulary at around 12 and it takes a lot of thinking to really understand why you say it.

"...and then he banged on for, like, half an hour about God and the Bible and stuff..."
"Sam's such a nerd, he wrote like five pages for his essay."
"He's a lot older than he looks, he's like 60 or something."
"...and then he, like, hurled Ben's shoe up into the tree, and it got stuck. Then Ben went mad on him, he must have like broken his nose or something."

by Atomik Spongeface July 12, 2008

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By the year 2050, the sole remaining word in spoken English - a language once said to comprise 171,476 words, in a mode of communication once ubiquitous, then common, then, like, whatever. It was deemed, like, for real? and finally supplanted by enthusiastically written English, ie: texted abbreviations and emojis.

He was, like, 2050? and I'm like, what? and he went, like, the, like, single, like, remaining word in, like, whoa, and I'm, like, whatever

by Monkey's Dad October 13, 2019

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