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Throwing up 4s

Things guys do for photos when they are secretly gay for each other

Yo did you see Eduardo and Gios latest picture ? They was Throwing up 4s

by Elbujo May 6, 2022

32πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Throwing up rainbows

Saying encouraging or comforting things to someone who is whining/crying/feeling sorry for themselves when all you really want to say is suck it up.

"Vanessa's useless, cheating boyfriend sent her a break up text yesterday, so I got stuck listening to her whine & cry about how she'll never find a good guy. I spent the night throwing up rainbows to make her feel better."

by Zerady September 30, 2013

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Throwing up 5s

Throwing up 5s means yu getting bitxhs

Look there he throwing up 5s he must get bitxhs

by Dre😭 June 5, 2022

18πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Throwing up fours

Someone who throws up fours gets absolutely no hoes

Damn Gavin fr was throwing up fours on his insta, probably gets no hoes

by Oh aight fasho May 9, 2022

27πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Throw up dreads

1. An action where a person involuntarily throws up in their hair

2. Mixture of vomit and hairballs

Nancy was so fucked up, she didn't even realize her head glistened with throw up dreads.

by wreckconcile August 10, 2019

Throwing up 2s

Throwing up 2s means you a real mf and you get mad bitches. You get the finest hoes and only the finest. Your also probably Mexican

Brian is throwing up 2s he probably get mad bitches he pulls hella

by 5iveguys June 15, 2022

throwing up threes

you suck dick

"He is throwing up threes I knew he liked dick."

by Ball_Master69420 October 12, 2022