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random site that helps n00bs be scene, and not get pwned by those who are 1337.

n00b 1: hey, what's the definition of lezzer?
n00b 2: i don't know...let's look it up on urbandictionary.com
1337: you guys are niggy pies I'm totally gonna w00tpwn you.

by Tori April 24, 2005

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where every definition is, for some reason, related to sex

person 1: hey why does every single definition on urbandictionary.com related to sex?
person 2: idk

by ehhhhhhh.... March 5, 2021

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You're using it now fuckwit

Tommy: What do you think of Urbandictionary.com?
Timmy: It's pretty cool.

by sigma sugma September 10, 2021

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is the bomb.com!!!!!

whats this place called that were on?
oh! urbandictionary.com

by rawr,bitch! January 10, 2009

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a good way to avoid getting shizzle done and still get a fularious education

Urbandictionary.com rules my fucking life.

by PaperMachete October 25, 2005

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Only the raddest website to go to when you don't know slang words. You can add stuff too. Radicle! So nifty, isn't it?

Jamie: So one time, I was talking to Chey, and she said cunt, and I didnt know what it meant.
Maya: ...
Jamie: I knew I would be retarded if I asked her, so guess what I did.
Maya: NO WAY!!!
Maya: lawl! LAWWWWLLLLL!!!!
Jamie: urbandictionary.com rox our sox :

by jamieeeeeeeeeeeeeelovesmaya December 12, 2007

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a website where one can create their own definitions to common (or original) words; a website which refuses to post positive definitions of such people as lance bass (i.e. lance bass is an angel of music and a very genuine person), but allows crude statements about them (i.e lance bass is a faggot that needs to die) therefore making it a senseless organization of ignorance.

I tried to post something positive and uplifting on urbandictionary.com, but they rejected it... but I saw a cruel, demeaning definition for the same word I originally tried to post on the website... what is this world coming to?

by Jinx2013 October 15, 2009

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