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what are you doing step bro?

The question you ask when your step bro walks into your room with his big schlong dong out and about. Expect "Sweet Home Alabama," to start playing in the next few seconds.

Step Sis: *in a loli voice* What are you doing step bro? *bites her lip as she tugs on her skirt*

FBI Agent: Okay I have seen enough

by rottenkid May 10, 2019

1420πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

What It Do?

"What It DO" is a term coined in The Bay Area (Oakland) CA by Oak native Keak Da Sneak Aka "Z-Kush" (also known for creatin' the term Hyphy). The Term was used to asked a Dude at a side show, what his muscle car could do? i.e Doughnuts Fishtale...ect!!! The term was later loosely used throughout the Bay Area as a term to ask a homie how he's doing. (What's up?, What's Crackin'?, What's good? What it is?...ect) Keak Coined this term before Paul wall's wack A** was even in the Rap Game! Houston Bit "What it do" from The Bay and tried to run with it and call it their own! Much like how the rest of Bay Area Slang is pirated! Slang Capitol USA is Da Bay! Frisco, Oaktown, V-Town, Sac-Town, San Jo, Da Rich... Ya'll can Borrow But GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE!!!

Original Meaning:
Ace: Yo Cutty, What It Do?
Smiley: Doughnuts Homie!

Later term:
Ace: Yo "What It Do" Homes?
Sleepy: Nothin' Homie, Just kickin' it!

by Frisco Kid! March 21, 2009

127πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž

what it do

a form of greeting that originated from houston texas meaning whats up and whats going on at the same time.
do not confuse with "what a do"

what it do?
nothing just chillin

by wuda July 14, 2006

64πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

what it do

Made popular in Houston! not the bay.

Big HAWK had a song on an old DJ Screw tape called "WHat it do" way befoer keak tha sneak new what rap was.

means whassup
also "Whut it Dew"

"What it do baby"
"fa sho"

by ZCouZ May 29, 2006

57πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


a state of dilemma; quandary.

I am in a what-to-do: whether to attend my gilrfriend's wedding or not.

by uttam maharjan December 11, 2010

14πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

What Are You Doing Step Bro?

What you ask when your step bro is doing something he’s not supposed to.

Step Sis: β€œHELP! I’M STUCK”
Step Bro walks in.
Step Sis feels something.
Step Sis: β€œWhat Are You Doing Step Bro?”

by DaddyMints July 22, 2020

167πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

what it do

What it do was NOT made in Ca it was used down south in Houston Texas an surrounding area's in TEXAS by rappers like paul wall chamillonair mike jones an lil flip

What it do
Chillin mayne

by TxHardHitta March 22, 2006

56πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž