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you never won

The start of the ToHH winroom copypasta.

"You never won. Was this worth it? You wasted all that time just to beat this tower. But yet, there still is a lot for you to overcome. This whole game is hopeless. You won't beat it. You never will truly win."

"Sir, this is burger king."

by ร‘ล“ July 9, 2022


A grilled chicken breast sandwhich, topped with bacon, munster cheese, lettuce, tomato, and honey mustard.

The only thing one should order at Clyde's Restaurant in Washington, DC, located in Georgetown.

One can only order this dish by shouting it at the top of their lungs, so that the kitchen staff in the back can hear you.

"I'll have the soup for an appetizer and for the main course I will have the CHICKEN NUMBA WON"!!!!!!!!!!

by Benjamin Dougald Park January 9, 2004

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joe biden won

he won 2020 election

joe biden won 2020 election

by wa_cool November 7, 2020

174๐Ÿ‘ 696๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any boy named John who is fond of Won Ton soup. Usually obsesses over the size and shape of the individual pieces, comparing samples from multiple chinese restaurants. A Won-Ton-Jon can be identified by overly combed hair and a lack of athletic ability.

Scott: We're ordering pizza, do you want cheese or pepperoni?

Won-Ton-Jon: I'll take Won Ton.

by chickenlover6969 October 15, 2011

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and then the Packers won the Superbowl

A newer version of the phrase "and then I found ten dollars", incorporating the victory of the Green Bay Packers in Superbowl XLV.

This phrase adds excitement to a story when it obviously ends abruptly and with no point.

-"I was watching this really funny commercial the other day, I guess you had to be there..."


-... and then the Packers won the Superbowl"

-"Aww really? Fucking sweet!"

by and by February 7, 2011

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Congratulations, you won!

The ultimate insult to your intelligence on the internet.

At best, you've won nothing but an annoying pop-up ad. At worst, if you actually fall for it, you might have just won yourself a virus. Either way, you're not getting that expensive prize you were promised.

Congratulations, you won!! Click here to claim a free iPhone 14!

by Ima Linguist February 21, 2023

Love Has Won

Love Has Won (LHW) is a new religious movement which was led by Amy Carlson (November 30, 1975 โ€“ April 2021), referred to within the group as "Mother God". The group has been described as a cult by ex-members and media outlets. The group had between 12 and 20 full-time members who lived with her at the time of her death.

Love Has Won is an interesting cult from an 45-46-47 year old lady.

by ฮ‘ January 26, 2022