"yarns" is slang for crazy or surprising.
dude, that was totally yarns, did you see what they did?
A real belter of a story, especially one which is funny or surprising. A yarn may be completely truthful, but it is rather common for a yarn to contain a Furphy or two, i.e. exagerrations for the sake of a better story.
It is important to note that listeners will rarely care whether or not a yarn is truthful, as the priority of a yarn is to entertain as opposed to providing an accurate recount. There is a classic saying in Australia illustrating this point, "never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn."
Me old man used to spin all sortsa yarns 'bout his time at the farm
Anyone who resembles a Lachlan
I met this bloke with the other night called Lachlan I have never heard so much yarn in my life
a word no one on Urban Dictionary can agree on the definition of.
person 1: yarn is a fibre!
person 2: no its a a story which more or less at any given moment contains a dubious amount of exaggeration!
person 3: no its a synonym for yeah or awesome!
person 4: no its a mental erection caused by the sight of a beautiful skein of yarn!
person 5: no its weed, or a type or pot or young ass reckless nigga!
The word yarn is taken from the western isles, it means to go and have a conversation with someone. Usually to catch up on the latest gossip or news
“ I’m just going to go and yarn to Finlay for a bit, I’ll be back in 5 minutes” said John