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"yarns" is slang for crazy or surprising.

dude, that was totally yarns, did you see what they did?

by yarniebarnie November 5, 2021


A real belter of a story, especially one which is funny or surprising. A yarn may be completely truthful, but it is rather common for a yarn to contain a Furphy or two, i.e. exagerrations for the sake of a better story.

It is important to note that listeners will rarely care whether or not a yarn is truthful, as the priority of a yarn is to entertain as opposed to providing an accurate recount. There is a classic saying in Australia illustrating this point, "never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn."

Me old man used to spin all sortsa yarns 'bout his time at the farm

by Crumblegut0702 September 23, 2023


fire soundcloud rqappper

Yo, turn on that new Yarn!
Crank that Yarn!

by xkz March 1, 2022



person 1: Say Yes.
person 2: Yarn!

by MelissaJeanButler February 18, 2020


Anyone who resembles a Lachlan

I met this bloke with the other night called Lachlan I have never heard so much yarn in my life

by Kingyarn69 October 18, 2020


a word no one on Urban Dictionary can agree on the definition of.

person 1: yarn is a fibre!
person 2: no its a a story which more or less at any given moment contains a dubious amount of exaggeration!
person 3: no its a synonym for yeah or awesome!
person 4: no its a mental erection caused by the sight of a beautiful skein of yarn!
person 5: no its weed, or a type or pot or young ass reckless nigga!

by " " November 29, 2021


The word yarn is taken from the western isles, it means to go and have a conversation with someone. Usually to catch up on the latest gossip or news

“ I’m just going to go and yarn to Finlay for a bit, I’ll be back in 5 minutes” said John

by Leodhasach December 24, 2018