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did you get that done in guatemala or something?

what you say to someone who is victim to bad plasatic surgery

"did you get your boobs done in guatemala or something?"
'what?! i didn't have a boob job!"

by mary k July 14, 2005

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Where did you get your gender?

People use this term to refer to someone who owns their body and look powerful but at the same time they aren’t part of certain gender standards or don’t look like a certain gender at all. If a person uses this term it means they are gender envious of your looks and how your gender is figured out.

Example: Oh my god! You gorgeous, ugh, where did you get your gender?!?

by thatrainyrain February 15, 2022

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

you get me so tight

getting your butthole tight. nothing like a good butt clenching.
definitely not about being upset at something.

Oh you get me so tight. (my butt is getting tight)

by FrickTACAN March 1, 2018

5πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

You wouldn't get it

You probably wouldn't get it

Her: why do you always say, you wouldn't get it
Me: you wouldn't get it
Her: why do you keep saying that? Where's it from?
Me: you wouldn't get it

by You wouldn't get it November 5, 2019

46πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

You can get it

Is the phrase used mainly in south florida to describe the sexual appeal of a person, "you can get it" is meant in the sense that the person (who can get it) is sexually appealing enough to the person making the statement, that at any point in time, the person can get "it" meaning sex.

"Hey wussup Maria?"

"Hey Dre, whats up?"
"I just thought I'd let you know.....YOU CAN GET IT!!!!!"

by thatsthewaywedoitinmiamibitch August 11, 2010

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Did you get your homework done

Phrase your friend utters when he didn't get his homework done and wants to copy yours.

Jared: "Hey Jew Fro, did you get your homework done?"

Me: "Yeah, why?"

Jared: "Can I copy it. I was up all night playing Call of Duty."

Me: "I suppose."

by pfleeger2010 February 21, 2011

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"With Six, You get Egg Rolls"

The term used on first and/or second dates to make your date feel confused and uncomfortable, (but will make them feel special and jazzed) to the point that they will feel that they will have to "put out" and tell their other friends that they did "The Egg roll"

Girl- So if you think you're getting any.. we will see.."
Guy- Oh yeah? Well, "With Six, you get Egg Rolls"
Girl- I'm so turned on..I think.. and lets skip the movie..

by Dave70 April 23, 2006

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