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Zonuts are Zoe Laverne’s fans.They are so sweet and supportive❤️.They make awesome edits and video of their idol.If you don’t like them listen

Zonuts is the most supportive fandom 💕

by Multifamous Famous February 25, 2021


A Zonut is what Zoe LaVerne’s fandom is called. They can be toxic and rude but most are really sweet!

person: Are you a Zonut?
Zonut: yes!

by zoefreaks February 19, 2022


They are a beautiful fandom. The fandom called zonuts support a amazing creator named Zoe Laverne.

Hater: Zoe is a clown
Zonuts: No she is awesome

by Noonedearveshate July 17, 2020


A zonut is tik tok fandom of the famous creator Zoe Laverne. People say Zonuts are toxic, but they are very nice. Some may be mean but the rest are nice😊

Is that a Zonut over there?!

by Zoe’s Zonut September 22, 2020


Zonuts are so sweet and kind or others but they have a toxic side like everyone else and they get to much hate!

Boy:eww ur a zonut
Girl:Wgat about it zonuts are amazing!!

by Yayayaya123 February 14, 2021


Zonuts are zoe Lavernes fandom. Zonuts are very kind loving and sweet. Although some might be toxic they are a very kind fandom. Zonut are one of the most kindest fandoms.

Friend: what fandom should I join
Other friend:Zonuts

Friend: that’s a good idea

by Zonutforlifeee December 28, 2022


A group of kids trying to praise their Queen who says the n word fate cries on live streams rooms are 13 year old boys and her name is Zoe laverne aka Zoe lagroomer

Zoe: I respect all my zonuts and they love me for saying the n word

by February 7, 2021