Source Code


The day The Allies invaded France, and told Hitler that his days were numbered. Omaha Beach is the target for many movies and video games etc. because the casualty rate was higher than the other 5 beaches combined.

Omaha Beach: 2400 dead/wounded
Gold, Juno, Sword, Utah, and Pointe du Hoc: 1675 dead/wounded

The landings of D-Day took months of careful planning. The invasion began with the Paratroopers of Americas 101st, and 82nd, along with the British glider soldiers, they secured many towns and villages before daybreak, and also caused alot of chaos for the German ranks before the initial landings. Free French (La' Resistance) sabotaged railway systems used by Germans for supply lines, and sheltered American and British soldiers who were lost, or hiding from German soldiers.

Landing Assignments:

American: Omaha, Utah, and Pointe Du Hoc
British: Sword,and Gold
Canada: Juno

Axis: Erwin Rommel (Germany)
Allies: General Dwight D. Eisenhower (U.S.), Bernard Montgomery (British, Canadians)

End Result:

Allies: 4075 Dead/Wounded/Missing
Axis: Unknown (most likely in the high thousands)

Area taken: All 6 beaches plus surounding towns and villages. I.E. Vierville Sur Mer

Date set for invasion: Originally set for June 5th, but because of the random weather of the English channel the landing force could not land until weather was clearer. Date was then set to June 6th, 1944.

Misc. Fact: Within a span of a few weeks (from August 25 to September 17 1944) The Allies liberated Paris, liberated 7 villages, the Allies crossed the Siegfried Line into Germany, and Operation Market Garden began (largest airborne invasion in history)in Holland (the third installment in the Brothers In Arms saga will be based on the Airborne drops into Holland, beginning with the jump, to the bitter defeat of the Allied Paratroopers.). This failed operation lights the fuse that will later explode into the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes.

D-Day is a topic often misunderstood because of Hollywoods traditional way of showing the grand Allies fighting the savage Nazis, but we should all remember that not all Germans were Nazis(Rommel for example rejected Nazism, and plotted to assassinate Hitler).

If you want to get a clearer view on D-Day I suggest watching Saving Private Ryan, or picking up a book, or documentary.

by Landon Melcher November 8, 2006

262πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž

double d

A breast size that most men seem to believe are enormous basketball tits. In reality, the size of the breast depends on the size of the woman. But they are larger than a handful. Even for people with behemoth hands.

You banged a double d? Her tits must have been huge!

No, actually, they weren't like, the size of my head or anything. But there were larger than a handful, in spite of my behemoth hands.

by Laura!!!!!!!! January 27, 2009

548πŸ‘ 232πŸ‘Ž


a new yorker who moves south and thinks he is better than everyone else

You're such a d-squad, get an ego check.

by Gopingoper March 30, 2009

57πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Initial D

1.) A popular animΓ© and manga with an emphasis on car racing, specifically drifting techniques.

2.) One of the most popular arcade games all over the world, named, and modeled after the animΓ©/manga.

It allows players to save their car's tuning information on a credit-card-sized magnetic card.

Each new version of the game (currently, there are three) features new cars, new tracks, new conditions, improved physics, and better balancing of the cars.

Check out any book store, and you'll probably find the (somewhat butchered) Tokyopop translation of the manga.

In most video game stores, or any stores selling animΓ©, you should be able to find the animΓ© series.

And the game can be found in any decently large arcade. (Initial D is one of the most expensive arcade machines, ranking up with Bemani machines)

by Remy April 24, 2004

343πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž


When something is bad.

ahh that is d's!!
i got a fucking d's report!

by sexyme123 September 18, 2005

9πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž


the "drift dimension"

where everybody are dino's, and everybody drifts, (it's impossible to drive straight)

is reached when you're drifting, and you go into overdrift

Blake: "I watched my brother die!"
Gramps: "They never found the body! He took the ultimate drift, into another dimension!" (the d-dimension)

Blake:"But this whole thing seems to be detailing some sort of prophecy - when one will be able to walk between the two dimensions, between the dinos, and the drift."

by adaf June 29, 2008

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The act of one being a Douche Bag. It is looked upon as a crime that all people who comit it should be drove over with studed tires and pulled behind a truck down a gravel road, shoved down a hole containing a very pissed off badger, and the sound of there pain recorded and spread on the internet so the crime will be reduced...Lets face it we cant eliminate it there are still people out there with just the life that defines a D-Bag

Nathan You comit D-Baggery on a day to day basis.

That guy just comited the act of D-Baggary

by Chandler Bachtold November 27, 2008

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž