The most beautiful, amazing, sassy, and hottest girl in the world
She is amazing she helps you as much as she can if you get mad at her or yell at her it’s the worst feeling you ever had. An Amber is kind, perfect but doesn’t know, nice, smart. She is very helpful in her on way. She cheers up her friends when their down if you crying she will start crying all her are a family figure to her. She can have a angry/mad side if you trigger it so don’t be angry if she is mad at you
Amber is the embodiment & definition of pulchritudinous. perfect, perfectly wonderful, breathtaking,lights up every place she is, makes day perfect. you feel special & like VIP when around her, an angel,we are blessed by her very existence, gorgeous, amazing, intelligent , interesting, active, hard working, classy, fun ,funny, kind,caring, loving ,sweet,generous, you are drawn to, want to be with, want to be, want to date , want her as your bff need her in your life, she will carry the world on her shoulders then pick you up & carry you safely home. She hasn't easy life, she comes from heart break. Calm makes you feel better, makes you happy, her smile makes daylight its that bright a
& warm and causes happiness. When your with her there is no one & nothing else. clean and tidy, sexy af, gorgeous the most attractive girl ever, girls are jealous af of her they will love her or be possessed by extreme jealousy
The greatest of all time. Dont miss out on the Amber effect. Doesnt hate or react in, friends & her mum are fiercely protecteive of her. Loyal relationship she makes you her world. makes time everyone. princess, angel,best big/ little sister,daughter granddaughter niece,cousin, friend co worker. confidant secret are safe with her. accepting kind perfect never disappoint or embarrass her ever, it is the worst feeling ever. a keeper & worth more then gold, diamonds ir oxygen Amber is a colour, a priceless jewel. treat her good & never hurt her or let her go
Amber: rare beauty; by definition she is beauty personified; perfection; pulchritudnous
Guy1: omfg Amber is so hot,sexy, gorgeous Damon is so lucky to be her man aye
Yeah ikr that's Amber, she is so mad gorgeous and smart too, dude she is out of our league.
Amber's are high energy and outgoing people that always seem to find themselves at the center of attention. When they enter a room their beauty will cause a man's eyes to latch onto them like thigh fat on a Dixie chick, and they are widely considered to be amazing in bed do to their giving nature and low inhibitions. They are incredibly friendly until you cross them or their family, at which point they will rage like the fire of 1000 suns. DO NOT TRIFLE WITH AN AMBER!
Did you see Amber?? What a complete smoke show!!!
Amber’s are known to be very smart happy and kind. Also very loving and pretty!
Someone: Did you see amber she is so kind and smart!