Source Code

U Butt

Means that you fail at something. Or that you suck at something. Can be used in pretty much any scenario!

D Ferg didn't catch the pass. Justin says "D Ferg u butt!"

Deo you missed the shot....u butt!

by Schocka August 29, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

excessive u's

The British way of spelling. I love it...makes me laugh. Hehe!!! Because normal people spell things without the extra u...as in favorite, color, and savior. Booyah!

Harold: My favouuuuurite colouuuur is purple!
Tina: Harold, you're such a Brit, using all those excessive u's.

by Chesmerelda October 12, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

U of C

abbreviation of University of Calgary.

One of the worst ever abbreviations for a school name. Mind you, UC was already taken by California and the actual name is too long to say, so the school settled on "U of C". Being pronounced the same as the mixed martial arts company UFC doesn't help either.

The university itself however, is quite respectable. Consistently ranks among the top 10 in the country. Some notable alumni include: Stephen Harper (prime minister of Canada), Naheed Nenshi (mayor of Calgary), Christine Nesbitt (gold medal winning figure skater) and Gary Kovacs (CEO of Mozilla). Maneuvering around the city by transit is a nightmare, so most students drive or live on campus. This explains the lack of sufficient parking on campus as well as the ridiculous parking rates. Boasts a good science and engineering program due to the school's ties with the oil industry. The newly built Taylor Family Digital Library is an amazing study area and has some really comfortable beanbag chairs. Climate is a major drawback for the university though. The campus enjoys high sunshine hours even during it's 5 month long winter, but it's a very windy school due to it's prairie location. Not uncomfortably humid during the summer but most of the city's little precipitation falls during June, July and August. And then there's Thursden. ;D

Aunt: Hey xxxxxxx, there are a lot of good programs at U of C ya know?
Me: Huh, you want me to pursue mixed martial arts?
Aunt: What? No I meant the University of Calgary!
Me: Oh.

by seould.out January 26, 2012

4๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wii U

Nintendo's iPad ripoff which will unfortunately be massively overshadowed by Microsoft and Sony at next year's E3. Only one of the ZOMFGAMAZING controllers is usable at a time, which means your "friends" are stuck with remote controls, presumably to change the channel to some stupid shit like Jersey Shore. But Nintendo came prepared, now you can be a solitary antisocial dickhead while your rock-brained friends fawn over Snooki's buxom.

Oh yeah, and the touch screen is resistive, no multitouch. Which means you have to jab it with an ice pick.

Whoops, I just dropped the Wii U controller! Time to phone up Indian Call Centers for a $600 replacement...

by Wii U Will Suck June 10, 2011

46๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž

u sleep

a shortened version of are you a sleep that people use when wanting to know what you are doing. most often used by athletes when they want to know what their girls are doing.

yeah he wanted to know what i was doing last night and texted me u sleep

by go home mountainqueers February 4, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

U -turn

The gayest man in all of gay town

eg. U_Turn on neoseeker is a fool who is gay

by Elite April 10, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž


The only high in fiber cereal thats cool to eat as its an anagram of 'urban'.

I eat healthy and stay popular cause I eat U-Bran! (cheesey grin, thumbs up)

by punch!uation November 18, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž