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Pow wow

A term used by men/fuck boys, letting the others know it’s time to get out of here. This usually takes place around girls, when wanting to leave and go hangout with a different group of girls.

(Her) yeah that was super fun.
(Her2) yeah it was!, what should we do now?

(Him) yeah for sure. (Looks at buddy) pow wow

(Him 2) hey I just remembered I have to go dog sit, so I’m gonna have to drop you girls off.

by Chocolate star fish whisperer December 7, 2020

Wow Gym

Wow Gym
The gym you go to for looking wowie.

‘Hey, I gotta call ya later. I just got to the Wow Gym.’

Similar but different tone as ‘Wow Jim

by Slarsh’n’Darsh April 3, 2023

Wiz wow wibxzy

Wow wow wubzys lesser known sibling

What is the power of the time wiz wow wibxzy jizzzzzzzzzecd on a toof bwsggamd duefm due to Anorexia/big boy wire

by 1035 himmg August 6, 2023

wow maze

A combination of wow and amazing, used as a sarcastic reaction when somebody else says something that is neither amazing nor wow-worthy.

Not to be confused with wowmazing, a term that has been redefined many times on this website. Most notably by some cuck that claims that his girlfriend originally coined the term.

This is a original term made by this awesome person I know!

Person 1: I just made instant mash potatoes for dinner.
Person 2: wow maze.

by BurgerBabeWithLargeFries December 1, 2018

gary wow

Gary Wow is like a Gary, with additional wow. Gary wow is the highest observed state of Gary. Other states of Gary are Kerfuffle and Kaput

It was funny seeing Gary get escorted to the living room in that state. Rather than being a liability, he turned out to be a net asset! Gary Wow!

by daddy-ted June 14, 2020