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The art of waking your woman without angering her, and, at the same time, being able to make her make YOU bacon, eggs. and hash browns.

Dude, I was starvin' the other day, so I had to throw a quick bacon-punch to the old lady!

by Khanybus January 27, 2013

Bacon Blindness

when you need to buy some food and you see something that has bacon in it and you have to buy it regardless of price or quality because well, it has bacon in it.

Guy1: That sandwich has to be about 4 days old
guy2: yeah but it's got bacon in it
guy1: aaah, bacon blindness.

by someguywholikesbacon May 16, 2010

carpet bacon

When some living organism is fried through physic exhaustion, or mental fatigue; and is lying on the carpet like a lint covered strip of day old bacon.

My cat had such a great time chasing pigeons, she is carpet bacon.

by goat-meat April 17, 2011

Panty Bacon

A very heated loose vagina

She has a Panty Bacon

by asdfghjqwertyuxcvbnm, April 9, 2018

bag of bacon

That greasy stash o cash

I just gotta leave this place with a big bag of bacon. Stupid horse

by ☝️ September 21, 2021

bacon gimping

To have anal sex with a person who, prior to the deed, has swallowed a piece of raw bacon with a length of string attatched to it. One end of the string hangs out of the mouth of the anal recipient and as "the moment" approaches for the anal giver, he yanks the piece of string, causing the other person to vomit up the piece of bacon. During vomiting, the muscles in the anus become tightly clenched, causing an amazing sensation for the anal giver.

We indulged in a spot of Bacon Gimping , and had a nice bacon sandwich afterwards.

by anothersteve January 18, 2017

Musty bacon

A musty bacon is when you fuck someone with a non showered most likely smelly Dong

Jim: I just gave my girl a Musty bacon last night.
Joe: Dude, KYS.

by Muster Bester November 8, 2015