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California Slave Ships

A slang description of the fleet of more than 30 prisons in California who stockpile felons instead of rehabilitate them.

Those California Slave Ships have been my husbandโ€™s second home since he was a very young man.

by Dr Bunnygirl March 13, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

San Clemente, California

A town in the south of Orange County. It used to be a really cool low-key beach town. Now it is just a blingy place with a bunch of wanna-bes who are upsidedown in their mortgages. It is filled with botox hags/40 year old ex strippers/"cheerleaders" who are so worthless they can't even get a job. They sit around and scream at their wannabe surfer husbands because they can't make enough money to keep up with what they think is their "lifestyle." Some may or may not be swingers. The houses were build like crap in the early and mid two thousands. These bozos paid way too much for the houses and now they are stuck with homes they couldn't afford in the first place.

Walking through the mall I noticed 6 botox hags. They must be from San Clemente, California Wish they would put on more clothes I really don't want to look at them.

by tankerperson June 17, 2011

215๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

California Turn Signal

Flipping the bird, usually to another driver, either upon witnessing an act of pure idiocy or during road rage.

That old fart is doing 20 under the limit in the carpool lane....give 'em the California Turn Signal, will ya?

by The Fuck You Soul Brother October 19, 2003

64๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

California Car Pool

When each member of a group uses their own car to go to the same destination. Typically, describing the case where the group is together at the start or close enough to share rides.

Three systems administrators working in the same office take three cars to lunch in case someone gets an emergency call and has to leave early. "Want me to drive?" "Nah, we better California Car Pool in case the new servers zonk out."

by David Turnbull January 15, 2008

2456๐Ÿ‘ 548๐Ÿ‘Ž

California bitch-slap

Similar to a standard bitch-slap, except that the hand is cocked nearly straight-armed, far behind the slapper, as if they were spreading their arms wide. The movements are heavily exaggerated, to emphasize the severity of the situation that calls for such a slap. The motion is to represent having to reach back to California for the wind-up. Known as the Jersey bitch-slap when used in California.

"Teena pissed me off so bad, I had to give her a California bitch-slap. Believe me, the bitch deserved it."

by Sir Pimps-a-slut July 26, 2006

137๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

California Crab Tickle

A gentle tickle followed by crab-like pinch of the anal area.

Things were getting hot 'n' heavy, then my man suprised me with a California Crab Tickle! Ooooooeeee!

by Poo-Pee February 4, 2012

California Condor Nest

An excessively large or thick makeshift toilet seat cover constructed from very many interleaved strips of toilet paper placed around the seat rim. So called because of the resemblance to the nest of a very large bird.

Created by persons using a public toilet who cannot bear to have their buttocks touch the seat when a disposable cover is not available, or though to be too small, thin or flimsy to be effective.

Usually seen by others when the creator leaves the construction un-flushed and in-place on the seat after departing the public restroom.

Someone at my office keeps leaving a California condor nest in one of the stalls! I wish they'd flush the damn thing when they're done.

by 84579876874 June 27, 2011