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Canada's History

A certain sex involving the insertion of beaver pelts, "flapjacks", maple syrup, and one french-canadian into the vagina or anus

"I heard you and Deborah broke up. What happened?"
"Apparently she wasn't cool with Canada's History."
"Fuck that bitch."

by Colbert-Nation February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

Performing the sexual act doggie style so that both participants can also watch the hockey game.

I gave her Canada's History for two hours last night.

by parrotheadkm February 7, 2010

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Canada's History

A sex act so depraved that it shouldn't ever be uttered. Using a moose's antlers (preferably while the moose is still alive) to penetrate a vagina that is covered in maple syrup. A man licks the syrup off while this is happening but does not swallow, it and any ejaculation are put into the Stanley Cup.

Guy: Dude I did Canada's History with my girl last night!
Other guy: Aw fuck man, I didn't need to hear that shit! But where'd you get the Stanley Cup?

by Bri - Guy February 5, 2010

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Canada's history

Coating your partner in maple syrup and than beating them in the head with the Stanley cup so you can proceed to anally rape them with moose's antlers

Dude, I totally gave your mom Canada's history last night.

by J_Sierra February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

When a French-Canadian kisses a moose while anal-sexing a queen...

He's so in-tune with his culture he had a Canada's History in the guest room at a party last night. The moose will never be the same...

by Audiac February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A rare, depraved sex act involving moose antlers, a bottle of maple syrup, and the Stanley Cup.

Things were going okay, but when she told me she wanted to try Canada's History I figured she was too wild for me.

by BoroJojo February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A sexual act in which two women defecate into the stanley cup, dribble maple syrup onto it and then eat it to induce vomitting. All of this is done as a moose watches.

Man: What do you know about Canada's History?
Woman: You're sick!

by MarkyStover February 5, 2010

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