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mental cancer

A severe case of retardation, usually seen in bronies and weeaboos.

Damn, Mike probably has mental cancer from watching all these MLP music videos.

by Mentis Debilitatum May 27, 2017

Cancer in butthole

In a nutshell its League of Legends, You just open a game and everyone starts fucking you in your butthole.

Cancer in butthole is my life

by WIlliam Shakesword January 20, 2018


Other name for Jake Paul

Jake Paul is cancer!

by ZahraaMarvelFan August 8, 2017


Jake Paul

person 1: dont be a cancer" person 2: "whats a cancer?" person 1: "Jake Paul"

by springboi #uno November 4, 2019


its basically anyone who says they are Yasuo main but they totally suck at it.

I'm gonna commit suicide, there has been cancer in this match made game.

by beg black kak August 3, 2018


The thing you get when you go on youtube's trending page.

I just got Cancer from that.

by Duskion December 12, 2018


Cancer is the people that use mei on overwatch

Person 1: hey wanna play overwatch
Person 2: Sure if you don't use mei
Person 1: awwwwe, why she is the best character.
Person 2: Mei is cancer, seriously

by Corrupt Albino November 29, 2016