Walking into someone's room while they're sleeping with a frying pan in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other hand and proceeding to bang them together whilst inside the room.
#1: Hey bro you look tired.
#2: Yeah. My sister gave me a military alarm clock this morning.
Circle with numbers and 2 black sticks that move
“I saw a circle with numbers and two sticks that move today” “that’s a clock Karen”
a large Circle that hangs on the wall and ticks and tells you the time
what's the big clock on that wall
Big piece of big fat clock hanging on your wall if ur reading this ur a fucking vegetable. Also I fucking hate retards.
Gabi is a fucking vegetable... clock
An old piece of equipment, largely replaced by the phone in modern society
Idiot 1: Oi mate, you got a clock here?
Idiot 2: Nah, we use phones, get with the times, idiot.