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993 "Yo bro, Get discord gimmie yo tag and join my server"

887 "alright, sure!"
887 hasn't been heard of since

by September 12, 2023


A place where a bunch of gay pedophiles go.

Bob: I love discord its just a nice job!
Jim: kys

by Cum slayer May 30, 2023


- A name of an MLP charater
- A place for gamers to chat made by Discord themselves
- A place for Among Us fucks to ruin Among Us lobbies (they'll get kicked real quick)

Friend 1: hey have you heard of this thing called Discord
Friend 2: yeah too bad we use Teamspeak
Friend 1: wait what the fuck

by 20SON November 1, 2020


1. practically chaos, opposite of order, harmony, peace and all that good shit.
2. The app for incels. Get ready to get hit on by people of all sorts who may think you have even a *hint* of femininity. Oh yeah, and a bunch of toxicity which you'll disregard because freaking out about it is normie shit.

Jake: Dudeee, so I, like, got Discord yesterday.
Quinn: Why...did you do that?
Jake: ...What?
Quinn: *pats Jake on the shoulder* My condolences.

by Where'd mah dad go? October 9, 2023


Normally a place were people sometimes even send pictures of there shit

Person 1: wanna see my shit on discord
Person 2: no
Person1: sends pic of shit on discord

by Hey your adopted March 21, 2021


Server Raiding Simulator A.K.A SRS

yo wanna commit discord on all these mfs

by bxnhp November 30, 2022


a place where children arent allowed in; infact it ruins mental health and drains it.

i hate discord!

by August 13, 2022