ely: (verb) to pull an ely is when you give someone false hope and say you love them when you dont.
ely: (adjective) a really dick like person
What a disappointment and a let down, You just pulled a ely.
The most beautiful guy you will ever meet. His Beautiful hair, brown eyes, and sexiness never fails to impress, along with his intelligence, which is beyond what most can imagine, and his kindness is always radiated. Definitely an amazing photographer, His deep thoughts and magnificent mind should be in a museum. He’s gentle and a good listener, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t tough. He’ll kick your ass if he needs too. a true badass. He’s creative and still believe in LOVE , yes 100 % He is always loyal to his friends, and he is the type that will always have your back.
-He is sexy and creative, she’s Elys
-You look super fashion , very Elys
Ely, is a small Western town in Nevada with lifted trucks and dirty sluts. Wanna-be gangsters and deliverence type farm folk. Holds the title of Highest teen pregnancy rate in the states. Meth capital of the world, where you can find dirty needles on the streets and in the mountains.
"Dude, did you see Tyler's pregnant cracked out sister Ashley?"
"Yeah,he's from Ely NV"
Fake ass motherfucker who has an ass for a chin. If you would ever come across an Ely, you’ll want to pound his fucking face in with gods sacred bible. He is absolutely obsessed with 13 year old pootang, and if you know him well enough, he might let you hit his vape
I want to beat Ely’s ass so bad
His vape is really cool
an enoying crappy basketball player who is self senterd and a retard
a huge dick is such an ely
Ely or Edrine is a very thoughful person. He's very good at listening to someone's problemos or rants. He will help you to boost your confidence and can always make you feel so beautiful. He's a bit crazy most of the time but his craziness will make smile or laugh. He will always cheer you up everytime you feel down.
I wish I have Ely for the rest of my life
Ely is a rough ghetto in Cardiff known for joyriding , knife crime etc neighbours with caerau which is just as bad ...