(Noun)..Having oral sex with a cherokee girl on her period.
I went to the reservation and picked some cherokee flowers.
Named for their affinity to marijuana, especially Sinsemilla which is the flower of the cannabis plant.
my mom was a flower child back in the 70s, she says weed today is a lot stronger
1. A nickname for a hippy
2. A child born out of wedlock
3. A soft, down to earth, Sensitive, kind, and Love nature A lot person
1. "He had his flower child days, he was so funny."
2. "All we know is that my cousin is having her a flower child."
3. "She was cool with him breaking her heart. She was a flower child."
A term used by the "Entitled" Generation or those thinking they are Entitled.
A term for youth waiting to find that ambition, excitement to life, that "go getter mood", that job/ career that will bring eternal joy.
Translation : (boiled down, blunt) SIT ON COUCH, SMOKE POT, PLAY VIDEO GAMES, EAT JUNK FOO, WATCH MOVIES/ TV, HAVE SEX (all on the same couch) and wait paitiently for a job that will:
A) pay either 6 figures (or at least 5 bucks more than social security)
B) Requires Zero work what so ever.
And this usually ends with the person getting thrown out with the very same couch and worldly possessions on the street by parents.
Bob:Just tell you mom were just "Flowers waiting to bloom" and that were at a delicate stage in our lives. now pass the bong
a picture with your legs spread apart
Kansas : what kind of picture do you want?
Jake : a flower picture
Kansas : one sec
Dogwhistle for "eat the rich".
The melting of Antarctic glaciers is resulting in flowers blooming on the continent. This is being contributed to by the rich class. The phrase basically means "our planet is dying".
Good morning, did you hear flowers are blooming in Antarctica?
Left-Wing phrase created to promote awareness for climate change
Person 1: Do you believe in climate change?
Person 2: Flowers are blooming in Antarctica bud.