Slang for british tabliod newspapers, in particular those with red tops such as the star, the sun, ect.
The red tops are in on it, meaning the tabliods have shown enthusiasem in a story.
21π 7π
The sleaziest and most intoxicated of all god's woodland creatures. He will drink himself into a frenzy, attempt to mate with other animals in their sleep, and spends the entire next morning throwing up and dry heaving.
"Upon waking, the first emotion the red panda feels is shame." - Doug Attenborough
23π 7π
A completely unbelievable band. Instrumental rock/hardcore from Shepherdstown, West Virginia (also known as Skull City.) They play lots of live shows in the area and are extremely fun to go to.
Look them up on MySpace under Music -_`.
21π 7π
Loss of consciousness due to blood being forced to the head -- most commonly by negative G forces incurred while flying military aircraft. The vision is clouded in red before consciousness is lost.
The g is used primarily in aerospace fields, where it is a convenient magnitude when discussing the loads on aircraft and spacecraft (and their pilots or passengers). For instance, most civilian aircraft are capable of being stressed to 4.33 g (42.5 m/sΒ²; 139 ft/sΒ²), which is considered a safe value. The g is also used in automotive engineering, mainly in relation to cornering forces and collision analysis.
One often hears the term being applied to the limits that the human body can withstand without losing conciousness, sometimes referred to as "blacking out", or g-loc (loc stands for loss of consciousness). A typical person can handle about 5 g (50 m/sΒ²) before this occurs, but through the combination of special g-suits and efforts to strain muscles βboth of which act to force blood back into the brainβ modern pilots can typically handle 9 g (90 m/sΒ²) or more.
Resistance to "negative" or upward gees which drive blood to the head, is much less. This limit is typically in the -2 to -3 g (-20 to -30 m/sΒ²) range. The vision goes red and is also referred to as a "red-out". This is probably due to capillaries in the eyes bursting under the increased blood pressure. Humans can survive brief intervals of about 20 to 40 g, and any exposure to around 100 g or more is lethal. -Wikipedia
23π 8π
The plastic red cups you usually see at a house party, club, or rave that usually have alcohol and/or energy drinks served in them either mixed or separately.
"Look at all these red cups! Gonna be one helluva night."
23π 8π
In BDSM a red shower is the act of bleeding on oneself or someone else. This is considered highly erotic and often times done ritualistically.
This is not inclusive of menstual blood. Menstrual blood is a "Ruby Shower"
In BDSM a Dominatrix may cut her submissive partner with a scalpel and allow the blood to drip where ever she chooses. This is a red shower.
43π 18π
A name given 2 A popular and VERY potent strain of marijuana during the late 90's and early 2000's . Found in and around the NYC metro area.
Man 2 pulls off that Red Line had me high as a kite !!!
25π 9π