20th president of the United States, got shot. Never head of him? Me either.
It’s so sad that James A. Garfield died on a Monday.
A sad man with no dad, he never fails to wee his bed and his pants are always brown. Volleyball Champion and disliked by many (especially mother and mohammed). Saddo who eats grass and dances on tables naked, he runs through farms fields naked like Theresa May, he is also an assistant swimming coach lmao. He throws a ball but doesnt get it back (no father ya see) and has no milk in his tea. oof. He plays Roblox for 10 hours straight and pees everywhere lmao, he also pees while doing volleyball on Tuesdays, what a ignorant little plum.
Ay look its James Platt playing volleyball, what a knob...
Imagine having no dad like James Platt...
A ferrety Homosexual
"Oooooh that guy in the corner is a James Ramsay". "How do you know". "He likes Crywank".
Best english right back and Champions league winner.
Ronaldo "Im the best footballplayer in the world"
Messi "I am the best footballplayer in the universe"
Reece James "Hold my Champions league medal"
AKA JCB is the swaggiest boy you will ever meet, so swaggy you will die in his presence.
James will be a DJ in the future, his No1 FAVVVV song ever is Intro by the XX, he could listen to that all day long.
James looks like a james
hey James conybeare babes, how u doin babes?
James Marriott is a minecraft god. James Marriott? more like JamesDoesMining ! 😩
Did you watch the recent James Marriott stream?
Yass hes such a boyboss #minecraft!
Pro Skater and he pulls chicks
Scottish Icon
Girl 1: OMG is That James! hes so hot
Girl 2: Ikr I wish he would nollie kickflip into vag
James DAGGA pro skater