Lazy type is when you are SO lazy, you shorten words into less characters in texting.
1 = won
2 = too/to
4 = for
8 = ate
af = as f**k
b = be
B) = glasses guy
bs = bull s**t
c = see
cu = see you
D: = big frown
ez = easy
f = respects
fu = f**k you
g = jee
g8 = gate
gg = good game
gl = good luck
gr8 = great
h8 = hate
hk = heck
ic = I see
id = I'd
idc = I don't care
idk = I don't know
ik = I know
ill = I'll
ily = I love you
im = I'm
io = I owe
iv = ivy
jk = just kidding
k = okay
kys = kill yourself (terrible!!!)
l = loser
l8 = late
l8r = later
lmao = laughing my a** off
lmfao = laughing my f**king a** off
lol = laugh out loud (Classic!)
m8 = mate
ma = mom
mf = mother f**ker
mt = empty
n = in?
ne1 = anyone
np = no problem
nv = envy
o = oh
ok = okay (not really lazy, but I had to put it on here)
op = overpowered
p = pea/pee
pa = dad
pj's = pajamas
pm = private messages/PM (like the time)
pp = peepee?
q = cue/queue
qt = cutie
r = are
r8 = rate
rp = roleplay
su = shut up
t = tea/tee
tho = though
ttyl = talk to you later
ty = thank you
u = you
ur = you are/your
vc = voice chat/voice call
w = win
w8 = wait
wtf = what the f**k
wth = what the heck
x = ex/cross
xD = laugh
xoxo = kisses and hugs/I love you/Tic-Tac-Toe
y = why
:D = big smile
:) = smile
:( = frown
:C = big frown
:S = confused face
:P = stick out tounge
:O = surprised
:| = neutral
lol i 1 tht waz ez B) cu agn tmrw!
Lazy type for everyone lol
Midwestern girl is is shy and timid sexually but probably does things like fuck dogs and has threesomes
that Amanda is such a a lazy eyed sam but I heard she shot a gangbang porn
A big shit talking cunt who does absolute Fuck all except talk shit and act like a movie star.
Hey Mate, can you help us finish all this work? We need to produce a result in the morning!
Nah, I'll just do a visual!
Lazy Cunt!
A sentence in english containing every word in the alphabet. Most used in text font downloading websites.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog is a silly sentence!
1. Being sure of one's lack of interest in something before they know what it is.
2. The the ability to predict the future and want nothing to do with it.
Steve: Mike! how the hell did you not have to work today? The line was out of the store!
Mike: Yeah, I have what ya call, "Pre-laziness." I asked for the day off two months ago.
It's when a person offers their help or has to provide their help that really doesn't want to. Then the effort put forth is less then adequate the least possible that is needed in hopes of getting out of having to do it.
Look at Cody over there lazy-skating that fence he is painting. He's done 1 fence and I've done 5. He should be embarrassed to collect his check.