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Lesbian waterfountain

When a lesbian(s) drinks another girls vaginal squirt as if it were a waterfountain

Jeffs favorite scene in wet hot girl time 5 is when the girls do a lesbian waterfountain

by Thewhittler July 10, 2017

damp lesbian

An individual who acts like a dyke and cannot retain liquid.

Kerrianne is a damp lesbian

by Skfsslfiebsk July 23, 2017

lesbian lasagna

Lesbian Lasagna is lasagna without any meat or the desire for it.

Today’s vegetarian special is lesbian lasagna - it’s just two flaps of pasta with some sauce between each other.

by Jc2345 November 4, 2022

Mask Lesbian

Female-identifying individuals whose gender expression is masculine-presenting. This may also include assuming traditionally male gender-roles.

Masks are strongly associated with butch lesbians

Let the Masks carry the groceries.

Mask Lesbians often present as tough individuals on the outside with a soft core reserved for people in the inner circle.

by Djerune February 2, 2022

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lesbian penguin

A female penguin who is a lesbian so it fucks other female penguins so it's kinda like a human lesbian

Male penguin:woah look at that penguin she's hot

Friend of male penguin:don't dude that's a lesbian penguin

Male penguin:FUCK

by Poatatoman69 December 22, 2019

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lesbian penguin

A female penguin who fucks other female penguin same as a human lesbian technically

Male penguin : hey you see that hot penguin over there
friend of male penguin: wait dude that's a lesbian penguin
Male penguin: fuck

by Poatatoman69 December 22, 2019

Lesbian Pretzel

When one or more lesbians are in a bed and interlock in a Pretzel position and begin doing sexual activities.

Woman 1: This bed is too small for all 3 of us we need a bigger bed
Woman 2: Let's just make a Lesbian Pretzel
Woman 3: *lick sounds*

by TheGoatest23 August 1, 2019