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People named Karina

Wow man, Karina is such a freaking Loser

by BigFreshD April 17, 2024


A person who fails in life and never wins in anything, a loser can fall into the category of:
A person who stays online 24/7
A person who has no friends
A person who is unemployed and can't get into any employment

A person who's social interaction is all electronic
A person who can't sort their life out
A person who has no life, PERIOD

Looks like I'm going to be spending my day and night online again... *welp* God I am such a loser.

by Pablo890 October 20, 2022


Young_jefe_victor is the definition of a loser

Victor is such a loser

by snipermonkey May 30, 2021


A "loser" is someone who doesn't know how to win it, RCB team from IPL is a prime example of losers.

RCB in IPL is Prime example of loser

by ctrlmemes May 27, 2022


Someone who has more than 15000 minutes on Spotify spent of Lana Del Ray, and should get a life.

Bro have you seen this dude’s Spotify Wrapped? He’s such a loser.

by dankdoodlelord December 3, 2023


A person that cannot accept any kind of loss

Ding Don Don aka Mr. One Term is a loser

by BarackIsAWinner November 11, 2020


loser is a word that describes someone in a way that they always take a L. His name is usually Roland

"Roland your a loser"

by Youllneverknowig May 6, 2022