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Emo is just a word. It loosely describes a group of people that are inspired by music, have an alternative dress sense but cannot be called Goths or Punks. Emo is a new sub-culture of fashion and being that draws influence from predecessors' best bits whilst retaining its individuality. Usually it's only parents that mistake an 'Emu' for a Goth.

Emos are similar to punks in that they are not apologetic about dressing differently, although you're probably less likely to get headbutted for offending one. One aspect of Emo culture is the friendships between them and the way they appreciate one other. Whilst some peer groups condemn someone for daring to change or look different. Emo can be casual but bright; with contrasting colours and prints like a Nu-Punk Contrast, or can be darker, smarter and more sophisticated but with an elaborate edge.

The people involved in it didn't wake up one morning and think 'I want to be an Emo'. Emo isn't any particular fashion trend; it can be everything and nothing - its an attitude.

Taking risks isn't without its risks though, obviously, Emos are marked as targets of abuse for being different. Some people have to stereo-type things to understand them, others want to bring it down to its base level and others want to destroy what is different.

Stereotypical Emo - A person who wears skinny jeans, different shirts, and usually have black hair that is swept-ed across the face, or hair that covers or hovers over one of the eye.

by SpaceGuns January 21, 2010

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considering that emo is supposed to mean emotional, then everyone who has ever expressed any form of any emotion is emo.

Jock: feels angry toward opposing team: therefore, he is emo.

Prep: feels unloved because daddy wouldnt give her the credit card: therefore, she is emo.

anyone who has emotions and feelings: emo.

by seahorse_salad April 29, 2008

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Alright let me get this straight for all you self-rightious jerks who think you know what I am when you really don't.
EMOS ARE NOT ALWAY DEPRESSED! I am emo (and so are most of my freinds) and we are always happy and having fun.
EMOS DO NOT ALL HATE THEIR LIVES! I happen to like my life and for those few that actually do hate them you insensitive preps should leave them alone
NOT ALL EMOS CUT THEMSELVES! That is but a steryo type. Although some might cut, you don't have to cut to be emo and you don't have to be emo to cut. You don't know what people go through and cutting is a way to forget the pain so don't tease them for it

The true definition of emo (in my opinion) is someone who is different. Who stands out in the crowd because they are truely amazing and others are just to obcessed with fitting in and being popular. Emo is someone who has an awesome sense of style without shopping at A&E or other name brands (except maybe hot topic) and who wear alot of (but not all) black becuase it goes well with neon colors. It is some one who doesn't fit in and doesn't want to becuase popular people are people like you who steryotype and call us stupid when they don't even know us.
Most of all, Emo is someone who puts up with all the crap the "in crowd" gives us and yet we still want to be oursevles: completely insane and epic! :)

Jerk: omg what's your problem you stupid emo! Did you forget to cut yourself yesterday becuase you were to busy wallowing in self pity?
Me: *takes a pair of scissors and points them at him* why don't you shut up and stop styreo typing people, retard!

by RainyDecember December 3, 2010

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These days, I'm not even sure what the hell emo is. Apparently it used to be a subgenre of hardcore punk, later became emocore (emotional hardcore), and somewhere within the last twenty or so years of its existence it changed into some damn stereotype or fashion style. Nowadays, its just whovever wears skinny jeans, old school or skater shoes, black rimmed glasses, tshirts of bands, and the jet black straight emo haircut. Have any or one or two of the following and some fool will come up to you and ask, "Are you emo?". Seriously..it's getting really ridiculous. You don't even need to cut yourself, just dress up like one and call yourself one. There, I just stereotyped emo and cutting (which I am clueless as to when did cutters become emo? aren't cutters just potentially suicidal people who just need help?)
Emo people are shy, sensitive, and emotional people. That's not how I see it at my school..maybe because all this stereotype stuff is brainwashing me. Or my highschool is messed up with all the "emo wannabees" lined up. Probably both, but I'm forever confused on the real meaning of emo. Give it another decade or two. Let's just wait and see how this emo will keep changing.

1) (1985) some guy: hey man, didn't you just love that Rites of Spring CD? it was cool but I heard its called emocore or something.

2) (today) some poser: got the haircut and I fit in the jeans..woot! cool now I just have to act..depressed..emotional..and maybe even cut myself to stand out!

by Just another..teenager September 6, 2008

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emo is a genre of music branched off of punk. commonly mistacken for how someone acts or dresses. just because someone weres all black and has a werid hair style and is depressed. doesnt mean they are emo. depretion is seriouse with us teens. parents split up alot more theses days. i know this.

bob: look at that kid hes depresed and is wearing all black he must be emo

frank: dude hes not emo. emo is a style of music.. he probly has famly problems

by iq95 August 26, 2011

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A fad popular among people 10 - 20

Fake rich people who think life sucks just cause they're parents are always working and they aren't the most popular at school,
they wear skinny jeans, have long bangs, wear lots of bright colors and black, only wear converse or vans, think gay words like rad or stunning are badass,

emo: ugh my parents are never with me when I get home they are always at work,

kid who acctualy has it bad:*thinks* yeah well when I come home my dads beating my mom and my brothers upstairs getting high with his friends, and I don't say shit,

by fuckingemos June 1, 2009

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Emo is known as different things for different people. Most people see it as people cutting themselves. Most definitions have been complaining about "emo people complaining". When a person cuts themselves, they don't advertise it to the world. they hide it. People who advertise it are not in pain, just seeking attention. People often mock people who do cut, because they don't understand. You will never understand until you feel it for yourself. Burning yourself is another common self inflicted pain.
People should really stop labeling each other and mocking what they don't understand.

Seamus was overwhelmed in emotional pain so he pressed a blade to his forearm.
This pain felt so right to him.
He wore a long sleeved shirt to school the next day.

by leave.me.broken December 8, 2010

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