Source Code

Kiss your sister

Stealthiest way of telling someone else to kill themselves.
Kiss your sister = kys = Kill yourself

"Go kiss your sister"
"But I'm an only child"
"You know what I meant"

by Fickt June 25, 2022

34πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

pussy bumpin' sister

Females engaging in mutual stimulation between by grinding their vulvas together (for those less technical, vulva=pussy mound and all that is within)

The Pussy Hound thought he was scoring with 2 chicks until he realized they were pussy bumpin' sisters.

by banana pepper eatin' minx June 20, 2006

61πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Ur sister a mister

This word is only used after your vicious enemy uses the world ending saying β€œur pappy trappy”. β€œUr sister a mister” can reverse the world ending and causes a blackhole to suck the earth into a bottomless pit of darkness.

Bill-ur pappy trappy
*world starts to end*
Jon-ur sister a mister
*world stops ending, and blackhole shows up infront of the sun*
Stephen Hawking- my theory was right. Only the mere saying of β€œur sister a mister” can cause a black hole

by Sheebyguythememeking March 18, 2018

21πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Mr. Sister Fister

Mr. Sister Fister is a middle aged man who puts his finger his sister’s vagina

That man looks like/is a Mr. Sister Fister

by Hepatitis A January 29, 2018

21πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

sisters before misters

The unwritten law that dictates that a the wishes of an unmarried woman's or girl's female friends trump those of a men she wants to have a relationship with. This law exists to protect said woman from being roosterpecked or whipped and her boyfriend's a pig or a man slut.
Better known as ladies first and to hell with your boyfriend.

Yo, lady, don't let that male chauvanist pig tell you what to do. He thinks you're just another piece of ass. After all, it's sisters before misters.

by Stop the Pendulum March 7, 2006

254πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž

Little Sister Syndrome

In which a guy tells a girl who's obviously got the hots for him that he "thinks of her as a sister" or "she's a little sister to him," so as to blow her off lightly.
This is sometimes considered offensive and rarely considered an actual compliment, as the girl usually knows that this means that he doesn't see her as date-able.
Used frequently on friendly yet ugly girls.

Sam: Oh, Bertha, you're so cute!
Bertha: Really, you think so?
Sam: Oh yea; you're like a little sister to me!"
Bertha: Oh...


Sally: Sam complimented you?
Bertha: Yea, but then he ruined it via little sister syndrome.
Sally: Jerk.

by andi844 August 19, 2007

33πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

my sister ext

A video of a woman with an ultra-realistic face mask on, most likely to test out how it looks on her. This video is considered eerie and uncanny by most people, but only because of the realism of the mask she wears. It is nothing outright terrifying (No gore, no disfiguration, etc.)

Hey, I just watched my sister ext. Isn’t the mask she wears pretty interesting?
My sister ext is honestly pretty scary, even though it’s just a video of a woman wearing a realistic mask.

by Wafou! May 31, 2022

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž