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Sad Nigga Hours

Usually the hours when most people are asleep,

The hours where people show their emotion the most when no one is around the emotion is usually depression

Usually you stare into the darkness and ask yourself deep questions and sometime not know the answer for it
"Sad Nigga Hours" are the darkest hours you'll have throughout your life.

Alex: " Peter, how you feeling man?"

Peter: "The Sad Nigga Hours are getting to me man, I feel so depressed and I feel like shit

by sxdxoixl February 22, 2018

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The Cup Of Human Sadness

A horrible abomination bestowed upon mankind. It's filled with the tears of millions of lost and miserable souls. One should only take a sip when they find themselves witnessing or being apart of an extremely sad or utterly depressing occurrence.

"I just found out that my girlfriend is cheating on me with my father. I'm going to go sit in a corner and take a long sip from The Cup Of Human Sadness now."

by Dirty Danza July 11, 2009

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chronic sadness

The intensely depressed feeling one gets after they quit smoking marijuana after long-term, habitual use.

Jay:"man, you were such a stoner..what happened?"
Bob: "I had to quit smoking for 30 days to pass a drug test...im so depressed, i literally started crying when i had to turn down that blunt earlier."
Jay: "man, you got that chronic sadness...bad"

by spongebong stonerpants September 8, 2009

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Sad Clowning

Where a man shoots his cum on a girls (or guys) face around their mouth to make it look like a frowny face, then throws assorted clown things at them and runs away as fast as he can, preferably naked.

"Oh god the other day my new boyfriend asked me to try 'Sad Clowning', and he jizzed on my face, then threw clown stuff at me! Where did he even get that stuff???"

by theoneandonlyRD April 24, 2012

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sad gorl diseaze

being sad and crying at every little thing. can be happy or sad tears

julie: i have sad gorl diseaze
someone shows up with a picture of their cat
julie: i'm crying

by sad gorl disease September 16, 2020

Sad Bitch Syndrome

when a bish always feelin bad for herself

at least i wasn’t born with sad bitch syndrome

by Dirty Dan134 November 12, 2018

Sad bitch syndrome

When one is constantly sad, numb, or just feeling down overall and is vaguely unintelligent but is still able to participate in normal society. Sometimes this person just jokes they are unintelligent or just feels so.

This person may also have anger issues, it okay doe.

" I think Ashley has sad bitch syndrome. She jokes how idiotic she is when she’s crying in math class"

by Sadbitch:D July 21, 2020