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Spammed Out

Verb: A phrase used to describe any website that contains excessive pop-ups, dialogue or 'warning' boxes, malware, spyware, and mousetraps.

"I tried to watch some free internet TV last night, but every website I went to was spammed out, I just kept getting Party Poker pop-ups and 'Your Computer Is In Danger!' Messages."

by Crunkss August 15, 2009

spam comedian

boy/girl with a spam that’s overly funny

bobby is the best spam comedian of all time

by undaratedb November 7, 2021

Tag/ Spam Post

When a friend on facebook wants to talk to you Via Status by tagging you in a status, a variant of wall-posting, most people find this kind to be very annoying and almost immediately untag themselves. Normally the post will be in what kids call "text talk" meaning it may go like this "AYYYY @JOHN WALL B SP3N1N THE N1GHT NIQQA!" It may even get worse, because we all know the black population forgot how to type English.

@Genericname, y dont u spend tha nite 2day? as' ur rents if can

*untags*, chats friend *no, I don't want to, because I have something to do in the morning, if you need to talk to me, chat me."

lol ok durr mang

this is a Tag/ Spam post

by sickoftexttalk May 14, 2011

Spam Filter

A simple tool to make sure that any important e-mail that from a sender you have not previously whitelisted will be hidden from sight, while most of the emails that still make it to your inbox will still be spam.

A device that saves no one any time if you want to catch all of your important mail from non-white listed senders, because you still have to manually search through all of the spam to check for the important e-mails within.

If the post office implemented a similar spam filter, your tax refunds and stimulus checks would not be delivered and unless you went in person to the post office to check through your spam, it would be put into the shredder after 30 days.

- Sorry, I didn't get your e-mail because my spam filter blocked it.

- Thank you for calling tech support. You were sent the license key. Please check your spam folder and change your spam filter settings to whitelist us.
- My spam filter blocked the job offer letter I got from the company and when I called them back 5 days later they already filled the position.

by CyberSlumlord September 11, 2021

spamming rings

When a friend on facebook uses the chat feature to spam about free rings tunes, usually unintentionally via a malicious facebook app.

That douche Cliff was spamming rings yesterday.

by lookinandout August 26, 2010

Spam break

The time of the day you take to go over your spam email. Usually means you have absolutely nothing else to do, except breathe.

My boss went to a meeting, so I have spam break...

by piccolodaimaku July 26, 2011

Recall spam

One of the most used tactic in the moba game MLBB. The recall spam is done but continuously spamming the recall button before an outplay, after an outplay, as bait or just straight up being toxic. This outstanding strategy ensures that enemies will be irritated/annoyed resulting in a distracted/risky plays just to kill you. It might even awaken the beasts in them.. WOOF WOOF GRRRRR BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF ARF ARF GRRR GRRRRRR RUFF RUFF BARK BARK

Chou used recall spam. It was super effective.

by TheguywhoisnotTechZero August 9, 2022