Source Code

kid diddler

See Catholic priest.

Theat kid diddler tooks the form of the catholic priesthood!!1

by PissLip March 26, 2008

140πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

Fat Kid

Loves Cake

...I luv ya like a fat kid luv cake, you know my style. I'll do anything to make ya smile!

by G-Union May 12, 2003

293πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

Kandee Kid

A kandee kid is a raver with such positive vibe that they feel they need to turn themselves inside out and wear thier vibe, being a candy kid has to do with the way you veiw life and you live it thru PLUR..peace, love unity, and respect. Someone is not a kandee kid because of what they WEAR its whats INSIDE them and how they use it. *sum kandees dont rave*

Laura and Shelly are kandee kids but Laura doesn't rave

by KandeePoet May 31, 2003

79πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Gacha Kid

those edgy little fuckers who think black people are weird just by looking at their skin

Commander: Open Fire!
Soldier: But they're kids sir!
Commander: so!? they're gacha kids who the fuck gives a shit?!

by BreadTaken January 11, 2021

102πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Choir Kid

A kid who is in choir and likes singing. It’s that simple. They aren’t necessarily nice, mean, obnoxious, or kind. They just like to sing.

I’m in choir. I like singing. I’m a choir kid

by GrumpyCatFartingRainbows June 5, 2019

37πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Drama Kid

A drama kid is someone who spends the majority of their time on the stage/drama room.

You never see what goes on when they are in there. Except in rare occasions when the stage curtains/wall is open and people in the Caf see whats going on.
Drama kids hang out with other drama kids and are generally very flirtatious.
They are some of the coolest kids you will ever know, no matter how nerdy they seem. Many spend their free time gaming, playing Dungeons and Dragons and other drama related things.
Generally drama kids have chosen to spend their high school years on the stage and with that chose become social outcasts. However, the drama kid does not care.
There are two types of drama kids:
The, "OMG, I don't care what you think, so I'll do it anyway." Drama kid, Type A.
and the "Oh, well I'll just be quiet in front of people." Drama kid, Type B

Type A drama kid is the same on stage/ in the drama room, as they are anywhere else, the do not tone down their wildness for your benefit.

Type B Drama kid is someone who acts completely different in front of Drama kids, but shys away in front of others.

Drama kids can be indentified by their, original choices in clothing, and general awsomeness.

"Oh Gosh, Ken is such a drama kid! All he does is talk about DnD and COD!"

by 4everAdramaKid December 23, 2009

140πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

spooky kid

Similair to baby bat

and there goes another spooky kid

by tin July 29, 2004

31πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž