Source Code

Depression Nap

A mid-day recharge nap being taked for being mentally not physically tired.

Enjoy your depression nap, you said bitch.

by Punktuation June 29, 2019

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Dick depression

A lack of emotional feelings/ reaktions to sexual stimuli in the penis due to oversaturation/ overconsuption of sensually stimulating images, materials, partners and or thoughts.

WoW hunny i alsow whant to have sex with you butt i tink i'm haveing som "Dick depression".

Are you haveing a "Dick depression"?

It seems to me i can't get you hard.

It happens to me to, some times i alsow get "Dick depression".

by Johan Sweden July 12, 2016

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This particular being will make you depressed when ever you go near them.
You must stay away or you will get depressed.
Have i just said depressed 3 times?

This depression-oid does business.

by Jamessssyyyyyjuicebox. December 24, 2009

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Tongue Depresser

Vaginal, to anal, to oral intercourse.

onos my tongue is now depressed

by Delaney February 21, 2004

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Happy Depression

Having sudden, impulsive urges to end ones self but in a positive manner

β€œI think I’m suffering from happy depression, I feel super excited when someone brings up suicide.”

by Weno’s Backpack November 3, 2017

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Postbottom Depression

When a girl looses weight and and is no longer gifted in that area.

Becky: Oh my god my butt shrunk.

I think your just going through Postbottom depression

by CrooksG35 October 14, 2010

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Sm6 depression

You cry over band kids you will never meet unless your American and all your Irl friends hate you for it

Friend: bruh stfu u have sm6 depression

by pssyfcker396 January 1, 2021

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