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leo is a really cool person with amazing outfits

person 1: ayo, did you see leo’s outfit today?
person 2: yeah bro they look amazing!
person 1: yeah!

by oliverisntokay November 22, 2021


A sexy af brusculer man who has an absolute massive cock.

Shaq has nothing in comparison to the huge Leo cock

by segzyboi April 24, 2022


Leo is a smart, handsome guy. They are great companions and love to analyze the smallest details in people. They find pleasure and comfort in the complexity of the world. If you have one as a companion, they are extremely kind to you. They can help you even in the most tricky situations, since they know all about social interaction, and human tendencies. There were a lot of them in ancient Greek and Roman civilization, but they have recently been dwindling in numbers due to the fact that they die within 3 hours of contact to all forms of stupidity and ignorance. Recent studies show their species are that of one big hive mind, and their central nervous system is based off of an Ultra-Leo. Leos refer to this being as an Übermensch or God, as did most of the people when he first appeared in 1 AD in Bethlehem. the local peoples of this town confused his name with their native tongue, and as such gave him the name of Jesus. He was eventually killed, but since he is reportedly immortal, he is rumored to still be alive to this day. He has never been seen since. Despite this, most Leos supposedly bear a resemblance to him, specifically in the unusually long length of their hair. The location of this Ultra-Leo has yet to be found. Leo's are also relativity funny and never afraid to take on bets and crack a joke, although their humor is rarely understood by anyone other than themselves. Overall, they are generally an astounding people.

Legend states that if you use "Leo" in a sentence, you will forever have good luck.

by Inquiry.MATRIX October 1, 2020



It that Leo

Yea he gay

by Gkkuy April 18, 2022


A man who always knows how to give someone a good time on and off the bed, usually without a condom. Leo is hardcore therefore you have hardcore sex with kids I mean women and men.

Nigga let me sex

Leo is so fucking.
mmmmh hyaaaa uhhhhhh

by Fearchonchis April 20, 2022


A tall curly headed handsome Mexican who gets all the ladies and has plenty of money. He’s good at games and he scared to talk to girls.

You know leo got another girl?

by Ummmmm..162 November 23, 2021


Leo is the kind of guy who, when you are first starting your relationship, is always there for you, is funny, easy to talk to, and sweet. As you get further in and begin to open up, things change. He might call you selfish for having emotional problems or emotional baggage. He might tell you that you text too much, even if you don't. He's there for you when you ask, but give him a day or two and he's gone again! He's hard to read sometimes and you never really know if he's mad, or just being quiet. He is also a SUPER dry texter and not the best with communicating

Leo is a great boyfriend, but he has some things that may need to be worked out. If you want to fix problems in your relationship with a guy named Leo, you need to talk to him IN PERSON and be direct and blunt. Make sure not to be harsh, but don't sugar coat. Use "I" statements as often as possible and make sure you understand each other. His biggest flaw is generally not communicating and acting like an ass when you confront him about something.

On the other end, his greatest quality is probably being a sweet and caring guy. He can also play more than one instrument and is no stranger in the sports department. The best thing is probably that he'll be there for you in most moments and he can always make you laugh when you need it.

Girl 1: Wow Leo and you seem to have a wonderful relationship!
Girl 2: Well, mostly. He's not the greatest at communicating and he's kinda unpredictable when it comes to being there for me. But other than that, he plays trumpet and piano and he's amazing with sports!

by roseandbennett43v3r! February 13, 2022