Source Code

nice scale

the nice 1-10

"Your nice scale 10"

by puorple April 25, 2024

Sierra Scales

Sierra Scales is a amazing friend and best friend to many. She’s super, super, super pretty! Breathtaking even. She’s always thinking about others and she’s so kind.

Person 1: I wish I had a Sierra Scales.
Person 2: Yeah me too, Sierra Scales is awesome!

by makayla.towe August 5, 2022

Grange rating scale

A way of rating social media videos, such as YouTube out of 10. Values may exceed 500 at times

I rate this video 110/10 on the Grange rating scale!

by Emain Sarves January 31, 2022

scale it

when a drug dealer usually with marijuana is very cautious about how much is given when in a deal

Person: hey let me get a gram for $10
Dealer : ok no problem, let me scale it

by baby youngster March 28, 2016

The 2-Scale

The 2-Scale is a very simple way to rate a woman when you first encounter them.

0: Would not put dick in
1: Would put dick in
2: Would eat cream out of her asshole

Todd: "Do you see Sara over there? What would you rate her on The 2-Scale?"
Dave: "Yeah, I'd say she's a 1"
Todd: "Really? She is totally a 2!"

by SallyMcSaggyTits May 8, 2015

Vlada's scale

Vlada's scale: when Vladimir does something, so you say to your friend 'how much are you *something* on a scale from zero to vlada'

Vuk: *pokazuje Emi stori* ' Od kada je vlada postao bejzik devojčica?'
Ema: 'Koliko si bejzik na skali od 0 do Vlada?' (using Vlada's scale)
Vuk: ' Vidi ima još i onog pingvina'

by Jeremy's pneumonia January 21, 2018

Controller for Scale

This is ehat you use to help show the size of your penis while sending dick pics.

Show me your dick, don't forget controller for scale.

by apnv November 26, 2016