When someone tickles your asshole with his/her tongue.
If you're feeling adventurous I highly recommend you try the Tele-Tickle.
I got an internship at the local meat shop so I could learn to tickle the steak.
Ignorp Rupless Key Snik Berkep Yoobloop Sloopy Doop Ba Boopity Bot Oogie Oogie Schnickle Barf Pickle Bickle Smickle Tickle Oogie Boogie Oogie Boogie Oogie Boogie Burp
When a animal is acting like it is going to bite you it comes as a soft ticklish bite!
My cat gave me a tickle Bite!
When you tickle your pen hard until it gets ink everywhere
Guys I just tickle penned last night and it inked everywhere
Beating your meat, jerking off, skinning your carrot, tugging your slug, masturbate
Alright, I’m calling it a night, I’m gonna go tickle my bongo.
Manually stimulating your girlfriend as she is driving. For guys it's "road head" and so for females it's "road tickle".
George : Hey guess what happened last night ?
Henry: What ?
George: My girlfriend and I were driving to the movies last night and we almost got into an accident because I was giving her a little road tickle.