The cutest little child. He is into older women so hide your mom and grandma. He is the whitest child u will meet
Oh Tyler Val yea he just Fucked ur granny
Flattest yet thickest nigga on the block ig you can call it slim thick
Yo that nigga be tyler cypruting dammmmmm
A really fye rapper who needs to be a little more respected.
That boy Tyler Trappy so cool, he’s fye!
An Unstoppable chad, famous for his gaming skills and big muscles.
"Tyler Nowell is terrifying."
One of the best guys you could ever meet. Loves bikes and motocross, likes ford, but occasionally will have his transmission screw up. All though he loves his bikes, they do not feel likewise about him. He uses the most red-neck ways to fix things, but it always works out in the end. He will always be there for you whenever you are in hard times, but he will also give you a hard time.
Tyler Ventrca is my best friend. He can be a raging pain the ass sometimes though.
Gay boyscout with a fucked up jawline. Pretends to know what he’s talking about.
A Tyler Crupe joined my club and it’s not fun
Tyler Cameron is the name of the sweetest boy you will ever meet, he treats you right and might be annoying sometimes but in a funny way. he will make you smile and will make your days so much brighter.
Damn you’re lucky! you know a Tyler Cameron?