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Ace Combat 3

Ace Combat 3 is perhapes the most contraversial Ace Combat game in the series. it is the first game in the series to feature all original aircraft either inspired by real world air craft, or made-up all together.

Real: F-16C Fighting Falcon
Inspired: F-16XF Gyrafalcon
Fiction: R-102 Delphius II

Ace Combat 3 is also the first in the line which allows you to view 360 degrees from all angles around or in your plane. Also it is the first to include Stratosphere and Low Space combat outside earth's Gravity Well. The Japanese version of this game is contained on two discs with an animated story line and full voice audio, but the English Version is one disc and contains no voice audio excep for the computer telling you what you're doing. Even cut scenes have no voice audio. A older but disapointing game for PS1, still good for the die hard fan.

Me: Damn, I wish they would remake Ace Combat 3 and dub it over. It would sell out in no time.

by iseeum May 22, 2008

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five six ace

the area code for palm beach county florida, 561

yo i be hitten it up in five six ace, florida

by Bmac6591 January 19, 2007

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4th gen ace

4th gen ace is a name used to describe Han Jisung who is a skilled rapper, singer, producer and dancer. The skz fandom gave this name to han Jisung who is a member of the boy group stray kids.

Who's the 4th gen ace?
Han Jisung!

by MakiGirl11 June 25, 2020

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Stupei, Ace defective!

A line said by Yukari Takeba from the Persona series when she roasted Junpei Iori, practically calling him a rat-ass idiot.

Person: You are ugly.
You: And you are a Stupei, Ace defective!

by pass the potatoes February 15, 2020

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AC-130U Spooky

Heavily-armed gunship. Modified from a C-130 Hercules and a variant of the original AC-130H Spectre. Armed with a 1ร— 25 mm (0.984 in) 5-Barrel GAU-12/U Equalizer gatling gun, a 1ร— 40 mm L60 Bofors cannon and the mother, a 1ร— 105 mm (4.13 in) M102 howitzer. If this gunship is ever heading your way, your shit will be fucked.

Dude, in Call of Duty 4, I got to be the gun operator on an AC-130U Spooky. The 105 mm Howitzer took out 7 soliders at once!

by Domovoi_Nikolai September 12, 2008

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ace boon koon

a slang term for a good or best friend, home boy, partner, pal, buddy, etc.

Officer Mitchell- "Did that guy just drop a dime on your bunkie?"
Martin Todd- "Yeah, but it's cool, he's my ace boon koon."

by scott bradford 19 April 29, 2010

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AC Slater

the anti-christ taking the form of a young teen who makes fun of the mentally challenged on a daily basis. ac obviously stands for anti christ and slater is there to fool fans of saved by the bell into doing the work of the devil. also a total douchebag

dude get your crucifix here comes Ac Slater.

that kid making fun of "red helmets" is such an AC Slater.

dude AC Slater from saved by the bell told me to trip the special kid when he walks by my locker

by reed "the bomb" johnson June 18, 2008

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