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bad apple

1. In the classical sense: A criminal beyond rehabilitation

2. In more modern terms: The opposite of apple bottom. A butt that's beyond the point of being nice and shapely and is just plain fat.


1. George got sentenced to a double life term in federal prison. Growing up, people always knew he was a bad apple.

2. Guy 1: Yo, have you seen Kim? She put on mad weight son.
Guy 2: Man, she's sportin' some bad apple.

by Qual April 26, 2006

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A bad dog is a dog that is misbehaved and usually punished verbally for its actions by saying "BAD DOG!"

My dog Rowdy is a very very very very BAD DOG!


Bad Animal

An unusual or unorthodox person. Someone or something that does everything ass backwards. Can also mean a situation that you don't want to get involved in.
Stubborn and hardheaded to a fault, usually getting oneself or others into a dangerous situation

Johnny is just a Bad Animal, right or wrong he's gotta do it his own way.
That roof is a Bad Animal I'm done trying to fix it.

by NightbyDay January 2, 2015


Doing something quickly and enjoying the rush before the consequences hit.

She grinned up at him, her face covered in the evidence of her most recent fast-bad. She was a bad little dog with a full belly.

by Krickey January 3, 2021

Bad built

Not built right

Omg that girl is so bad built ๐Ÿ˜ญ

by March 14, 2022

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bad bish

Bad bish: The same as a bad bitch but more kid appropriate. You still probably shouldn't say it in front of your parents

"Dang! You totally bombed your test!"

"Yep! I'm such a bad bish."

"No you're not."

Parent: "Get yo bad bish ass over here now!"

by The Disrespect February 24, 2022

bad rap

something/someone that most people have a negative opinion about. using this term usually implies that the negative opinion is undeserved and may be based on gossip or profiling.

the term is derived from a R.A.P. (Record of Arrests and Prosecutions) sheet which law enforcement maintains on individuals within the criminal justice system. the "bad" part can refer to either (usually both) the type of conduct shown on the RAP sheet being particularly troubling, or that the accusations made on the RAP sheet are undeserved and unfairly assigned to the person.

CBD gets a bad rap because people think its just for potheads trying to find a legal way to get high, but it actually has a lot of benefits on its own.

Jack gets a bad rap because he was there when the party got busted, but he wasn't even drinking that night.

by OutlawLazerRoboGeek April 17, 2023