She is the most prettiest girl I ever seen and if you ever meet her she can be the one in the if you ever break her heart. My heart to you because every time you see her you could open your eyes and every time you open your eyes you just want to look at her and every time you look how she makes you feel warm and that's what you want and if you would be lucky to have her if you were never together and that's why you should always have her for you friend of girlfriend
Chloe Jackson: Usually something/someone that is very big and annoying.
She's such a Chloe Jackson!
The concert was a Chloe Jackson.
Chloe Oliphant a cute loving smart and kind person she never gives up she’s sassy but shy she just wants friends (and a mans) she is very insecure about herself! She just wants somebody to hold
Aww don’t act like such a Chloe Oliphant
Chloe lambert is a rat and will always backstab you. She likes to play funny pranks but always fails as she is wanna be goddess. However she can make you laugh when she tries to trip you up but fails like always. Her soul contains devils from down below and I can defo see her going to hell after dying.
fuck you fuck you fuck you i hate you
why the fuck is chloe byrnes so stupid
The hottest girl u will ever see. she is the biggest qt and the best girlfriend you could wish for. she is everything you need.if u see one; ur one lucky guy/
if ur a Chloe Morgan Thomas
then ur great