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cold blooded

a woman who is so sexy you can't find words to form a description that would suffice

that adriana lima is COLD BLOODED

by jessicarabbit12 May 11, 2009

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Cold War

February 28th, 1946
December 25th, 1991

Basically, the Cold War was a race on ALL scales, between the two rivals : America and the Soviet Union. Both of these nations were the strongest in the nation. The Cold War essentially began after WWII. As mentioned before, the Cold War (which received its name because it was a war with negotiations and words, not actual combat) was a race on all scales, but one particular scale was on nuclear weapons. Other races included to become the strongest military, and even to be able to travel the stars (the Soviets put Sputnik in orbit of Earth, but the Americans were the first ones to land on the moon).
The Cold War was thee war that truly determined the fate of the free world. Perhaps the world was created to be what it is now because of the Cold War. But America won the Cold War, and the flags of freedom, and capitalism, would fly all over the world. Mother Russia is now in shambles because of not only our involvements, but also the courses they ran until they realized they were wrong.

"....nowadays I use this term to refer to an argument I have with someone online. If I met that person in real-life, I'd probably wail on him, or her. My last cold war was on February 6th, two days before my birthday; it was hellish because some bitch said lies to my sister. I won....but I was only lucky."

by Dave March 26, 2004

41๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

cold turkey

A way to wuit without using any products or 12 step program. I hear it is very hard and irritating

Bella tried going cold turkey for smoking but gave up three days later

by DizzyLizzy January 18, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

cold finga

The cold finga is related to the cold shoulder the cold shoulder is when you dont want to look at or talk to someone so you turn around and face a shoulder towards them the cold finga is when you are talkin to someone through aim and they stop talking to you,it is also related to the silent treatment

The cold finga can only be done to someone over aim though

Hey talk to me... ooo i see how it is your to good for me so u think u can just give me the cold finga and ingnore me, this some more bullshit.

by Mattew mart October 1, 2006

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Stone Cold

Term describing a really hot or stunning girl.

Taken from WWF wrestler "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's finishing move, the Stone Cold Stunner.

-"Have you seen Dan's new girl"

-"Yeah mate she's Stone Cold!"

by Ryan W Jones October 27, 2006

57๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cold Hands

Shit excuse for having shit aim in a video game. And yet happens to the best of us

also a medical term or something lol

bro, I could have killed him if I didn't have cold hands!

lmao fuck off you're just trash

by A Slice Of Pizza June 28, 2020

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Cold as Hell


Person 1: It's cold as hell, eh?

Person 2: What did you expect?

Person 1: Oh yeah

by mistaman85 September 15, 2020

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