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Summoned by the Devil

Todd! I have the name of the biopic!

Hym “Here it is ~ Summoned by the Devil: The Jeepjorp Peepeestones story. Good right? This is going to be great!”

by Hym Iam September 30, 2022

Devil’s inch

The act of pulling on your balls from behind giving you that extra inch.

As she longed for it to go deeper, she gave a firm tug to give her that extra devil’s inch.

by Boogdog January 31, 2019

Devil's Garden

to have a devils garden is to have a vagina with genital warts. A Devil's Garden was a small boxed in minefield used in desert warfare. There is about 17 million unexploded anti-personnel/anti-tank mines, artillery shells, bombs dropped by aircraft, machine gun, small arms, and mortar rounds that still remain beneath the sand in europe.

"dude, that chick has a devil's garden", "Promote abstinance to keep people from having a devil's garden" (like that works)

by ShadowMaster924 April 13, 2011

The Devil's Powerwash

Verb: the act of emitting explosive diarrhea that sprays violently into the toilet.

Dave: are you okay? it sounded pretty bad in there!
Other dave: Nah man, I think I have food poisoning. I Gave that toilet the Devil's Powerwash.

by Cyc4015 June 27, 2022

the devil's asshole

An adjective describing something either extremely hot (no, not hot as in hot attractive, hot as in hot temperature) like it came from the fiery depths of hell, having an ungodly stinking stench, or both.

It's as hot as the devil's asshole in here!
Jesus Christ, it stinks to all hell here, like I'm lying down on the devil's asshole after he just let rip!

by yqwertzx August 27, 2022

devil's pretzel

2 or more females wearing strap-ons to engage in anal sex simultaneously.

Becky and I tried the Devil's pretzel last night. It was tricky at first, but then we tucked the toys under instead of going around.

by Queen C.R October 1, 2015

Devil's Cum

Much like the Devil's Balls, this is also a common cooking related incident:
The hot oil that splatters and spits at you while you're cooking food in a pan.

Example: When you're cooking bacon and the oil splatters up and onto your arms. Even better if it gets on your face.

Like a cumshot from the Devil himself, heat and all. Can also call it Devil's Cumshot.

"What'd ya do?"
"I just got Devil's Cum all up on on my arm! Bugger didn't even buy me a drink first!"

by tenkunsfw March 11, 2022